Actress Katerina Didaskallo described her personal adventure with Kostas Kostopoulos. Conversely, Maria Tzompanaki and singer Irene Trost, who testified on behalf of the director.
“At that moment you are paralyzed. You can't believe this is happening. And then the painful consequences come. It's not easy to talk about it, you feel ashamed, you wonder if this is your fault, did I do something, did I wear something? And that's not acceptable.” . With these words, Katerina Didaskallo She testified about her own experience with director Kostas Kostopoulos, who is on trial for rape.
The actress sided with the complainant Elena AthanasopoulouWhich she met in the context of the case, explaining that her personal experience made her believe her. “I wasn't an eyewitness. I'm in the unfortunate position of saying that I believed the girl because something similar happened to me. He came into the locker room and told me that he was fucking me a lot… You know it's tragic to feel guilty because you're doing a good job, and to have A love scene and the other imagines that he wants it and presents his imagination.. She argued, describing her personal experience and He denies K. Kostopoulos' claim that they had sexual relations.
She also said that she met the accused in the series “Erotas,” while describing how He entered her dressing room while she was changing. “In a daily series of 10 to 15 scenes, the last person I expect to appear is the director whose position is at the controls.” He explained and continued: “A girl outside hit him up and I said ‘people outside’, I was shocked and he said ‘shhhh’ and it was over… That’s why I completely believe what the girl said….”
president: He didn't make any movement.
a witness: He came towards me, and I pushed him away. I mobilized to reduce my physical range and he didn't flinch. He was close to me.
president: But he didn't try to break through…
a witness: And this is what he tried… At SEH I said this is an abuse of power and these people should disappear from our space. Which is a shame for new kids too.
president: Why didn't you report him then?
a witness: At the time I had three very young children, in their teens and in primary school, and I was with my partner. You will never feel guilty for the wrong reasons. Did you do something to cause this? Yes, I didn't say that at the time. You mentioned this later in SEH, long before you met me as well.
president: Have you heard of other incidents in the area?
a witness: Unfortunately yes. For Ms. Gianato. Not just women. Men also came and said it was unpleasant.
Tzompanaki: “I would be surprised to hear that his colleagues are accusing him of sexual harassment.”
The actress was also on the witness stand Maria Tzompanaki And the singer Erin TrostWho met the accused director in their professional lives. They both claimed to believe what was reported.
In particular, Maria Tzopanaki spoke of a very good person and professional, whom she had known since 2001, but who refused to speak about the complainant: “I don't want to talk about a woman who came and filed a complaint. I don't know what happened in her life. He came here and swore that I too would not speak against any woman. I came here to talk about Costopoulos. I will be surprised to hear that my colleagues are accusing him of sexual harassment. I swore I have come to bear witness to what I know about him.”
Supt. category: If I told you about the adventures of Mr. Costopoulos?
Tzompanaki: Each of us can order his own bed.
Supt. category: This is your moral way of life…
Tzompanaki: Who I am and what my social identity is is demonstrated by my child. I'm talking to you! In Crete we say, “Flies cling to the weak horse.”
trust: “He's not lying”
For her part, Erin Trost claimed: “I don't think he's lying. That's why I'm here.” In her testimony, she described meeting the complainant in 2011 while spending a night at Villa Mercedes after the rape. “I met Ms. Athanasopoulou one night after the theatre. Mr. Kostopoulos introduced her to me as a friend. There was a very friendly atmosphere between them. As a woman I will speak, when someone raped you a year ago, it is contradictory to date your rapist…”
defense: When he presented it to you, did you discover an aversion to it? Was she possessed?
trust: The atmosphere was very friendly between them.
defense: After the night they stayed away from each other?
trust: No, we were all close. It was a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Supt. category: Why do you say she's lying?
trust: If I were in a hurry, I would have reported it immediately.
Supt. category: These women who have fortitude after so many years…
trust: …Do you find strength after ten years?
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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