Despina Vandi and Giorgos Sambanis premiered Friday night at Votanikos. The appearance of the favorite singer was… “explosive.” The creations she chose to wear showed off her toned figure, as she has preferred in recent years.
Next to Despina Vandi was her partner Vassilis Besbekis.
H misses Vandy Provided in the previous days Impressive music video With her new success “I love you and I’m not okay»which was released by Panik Records and captivates us once again!
the “I love you and I’m not okay» It is brought to our screens by A Modern video, with fast transitions and a futuristic moodWith star Despina Vandy To attract attention with hHigh fashion looks And She always has an amazing stage presence. It was directed by George Mbinoudakis.
the “I love you and I’m not okay“, with music by Alfred Giorgos Sambanis and lyrics by the exceptional Nikos Gretzis, is a Dynamic trajectory and upscalingwith Excellent music groups And Attractive wordsWhich immediately won the audience’s admiration.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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