March 14, 2025

Valley Post

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Insurance – Working Retirees: The platform is open

Insurance – Working Retirees: The platform is open

The new platform is open as of today, where working retirees are required to declare their information and type of work and then the necessary verifications will be carried out with their employers. The retirement pension for working pensioners is disbursed in full without a 30% fine, while failure to declare results in a fine equivalent to 12 main and auxiliary monthly pensions.

View or download the relevant instructions for use by clicking here.

Retired workers who will enter to advertise their work on the platform that has been put into effect are divided into 3 categories. A) Retirees who will begin work from February 26 onwards. The pensioners concerned must declare their employment, and failure to declare results in a fine equivalent to twelve (12) main and auxiliary monthly pensions.

B) Retirees who worked in previous years and continue their work until 02/26/2024.

C) Retirees who were employed as of 01/01/2024 and stopped working until 02/26/2024.

For the last two categories, EFKA It also makes a strong recommendation (without penalties) to those who have already declared so in previous years in their funds, to re-submit returns in order for the system to return to normal as soon as possible.

The 10% deduction for EFKA is expected to begin from the end of March For working retirees. The search will be carried out retroactively, starting from 1/1/2024 when the law is implemented.

Minister of Labor Domna Michaelidou He pointed out that the number of working retirees today is estimated at about 100,000, but only 36,000 declare this. “We must help these people, as they have paid their pensions,” Ms. Michelidou added.

To log in to the online service, the user visits the home page of the unified digital portal or the e-EFKA website and is directed to the page related to the service where relevant information and legislation are published, as well as the entry link.

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The system automatically leads him to the entrance with the TAXISNET codes and after being approved by the GIS&PSD system, he returns to the e-EFKA system to enter his AMKA number. He is then transferred to the main screen of the electronic service, where his basic information is displayed as saved in the EFKA electronic register of insured persons, in addition to a new declaration button. At the bottom of the screen, basic system operating updates are displayed. In the first part of the statement there are options regarding his status as a pensioner, i.e. whether he is already retired or has applied for retirement, and regarding the pension category. Its details are also displayed as kept in the register of insured persons in e-EFKA.

In the second part of the ad, the user is asked to declare responsibility:

1. Date of commencement of work subject to the e-EFKA regime and its status in relation thereto. The start date is indicated using the calendar widget, which displays the range of dates provided on a case-by-case basis. 2. Inclusion or non-inclusion of exceptions to paragraph 5 of Article 114 of Law 5078/2023, from the obligation to pay the supplier in favor of e-EFKA, as well as their validity period.

3. Inclusion or non-inclusion of exemptions from paragraph 6 of Article 114 of Law 5078/2023 from the obligation to pay insurance and supplier contributions to e-EFKA. At the bottom of the screen appears text which the user must read carefully and click on the relevant button. Once all the mandatory fields are filled, the user can click on the Submit Statement button. A related confirmation question will appear if the user so chooses

Yes, the final declaration will be submitted and you will receive a protocol number. For each category of employment, retirees must submit a separate declaration. If the conditions are met, the user can click on New Permit to repeat the above procedure for the next recruitment category.

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In case of self-employed persons (independent and self-employed) and farmers, before or after the announcement on the online platform, registration/re-registration/change in the self-employed register is also required.

If a pensioner wishes to declare a cessation of employment or to complete/amend the details of exemptions from the resource payment obligation for e-EFKA, he must first submit the relevant declaration of his commencement and then select it and click View selected statement. The system automatically moves it to read-only view.

At the bottom there are two buttons:

Modify exceptions

In the event that there are reasons to fill out or amend data related to the pensioner’s exemption from the supplier’s payment obligation in favor of e-EFKA, the user is transferred to a screen where the data of the submitted declaration is displayed complete and for reading only, with the exception of Articles 2 and 3 which refer to paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 114 of Law 5078/2023. So the user can eg. Amending the effective dates if he was not aware of them at the time of the initial declaration, or announcing his affiliation to an additional exception if the matter relates to him.

To save the changes, the user just needs to click on “Submit Changes” after completing the required changes.

Announcement of termination of employment

There is a calendar widget to announce the employment termination date. The user just has to select the desired date and click on Submit Recruitment Break at the bottom of the screen.

We remind you that as of 01.01.2024 working pensioners receive their pensions in full. Instead of the 30% penalty in force so far, they will pay an additional 10% of their salaries, in addition to the insurance contributions provided by law, of a non-remunerative nature, in favor of eFKA for each insurable job, including holiday allowances (Easter and Christmas gifts). ) and vacations.

For the insurance of the working pensioner, the insurance contributions stipulated by the legislation, in accordance with the insured work, and additional resources of a non-remunerative nature are paid to e-EFK.A. As follows, by subject category:

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For employees, the resource will be withheld by their employers through the APD, who must return it to e-EFKA. The total amount charged for e-EFKA resources cannot, on an annual basis, exceed twelve times the national pension, i.e. EUR 5,114 (426.17

It is particularly important to note that the obligation to pay the 10% resources also applies to potential retirees who have applied for a pension but whose pension award is still pending. As the relevant EFKA circular confirms, if their application is rejected, the withheld amount will be returned to them.

Excluded from the obligation to pay the resource are pensioners with disabilities, certain categories of large families, OGA farmers, etc. Retirees whose pension payments have been suspended for any reason are also excluded, for example because they work for a public company or a government agency and have not yet reached the age of sixty-two (62).

As stated in the EFKA Circular, the pensions of retirees who hold a position in a public government body are suspended for as long as this continues, as long as they have not reached the sixty-second (62) year of their age. During the suspension period, the unremunerated resource is not paid to e-EFK.A.

Self-employed retired workers (self-employed and self-employed) will receive a 50% surcharge on the chosen main insurance class.

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