The Nikki Asia Officially disclosed new production prices Iphone The phones and Pro Max models apparently cost Apple 20% more than last year. Specifically, a single production iPhone 14 Pro Max It costs the company $501 to build it, a price that has gone up slightly compared to last year, when the iPhone 13 Pro Max price ranged from $461.
In this, the A16 Bionic appears to be “in charge,” since it alone costs Apple $110. As the specific site says, the Pro Max models, from 2018 to last year, cost Apple between $400 and $450. The A16 Bionic chip costs 2.4 times more than its predecessor A15, which is also available in the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus.
Another reason for the production price increase is Sony’s new CMOS sensors that are 30% larger in size, but also 50% more expensive, with an original cost of $15. Also, all iPhone 14 components from US-based companies display almost a third of the total cost and increase by 10%, compared to 2021.
Apple hasn’t raised prices for its latest models in the US and some other markets, but higher production costs mean the company’s profit margin has likely shrunk.
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