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James Webb discovers six massive galaxies that shouldn’t be there – Newsbomb – News

James Webb discovers six massive galaxies that shouldn’t be there – Newsbomb – News

Research group announcement a few days ago Discover a black holeAnd that Of colossal proportions According to the calculations, It was created at the time when the universe was was still in his childhood.

the said the black hole Naturally and on the basis of cosmological assumptions to date, It shouldn’t exist like cosmic conditions from the period They didn’t allow her to be there.

Research team led University of Texas scientists Provided, by posting on “Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society” discover it Black hole that was created during Cosmologists call it the “cosmic dawn.” – In other words, When the universe was only 750 million years old.

Six huge galaxies that should not exist

This discovery upends scientists’ understanding of the evolution of galaxies, as such large galaxies were not expected to exist in such an early universe, when they were only 3% of their current age, about 500 to 700 million years after the initial “Big Bang”. (the great explosion).

Scientists from different countries (USA, Australia, Denmark, Spain), led by Associate Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Joel Lisa from the University of Pennsylvania, published the relevant publication in the journal “Nature”. As he stated, “These objects are much larger than anyone expected. We expected to find only young and young galaxies at that time period, and yet we discovered mature galaxies like ours in an era that until now was considered the dawn of the universe.”

Check out James Webb’s photos of the six galaxies:

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“It’s crazy,” said Erica Nelson, assistant professor of astrophysics at the University of Colorado. “You wouldn’t expect the early universe to be able to self-organize so quickly. These galaxies should not have had enough time to form.” “Our galaxy creates one or two new stars every year. Some of these galaxies must have created hundreds of new stars every year throughout the history of the universe. And if one of these galaxies is real, our limits will bring us an understanding of cosmology: another possibility is that these objects are A different kind of exotic object, such as fainter quasars (i.e. active galactic nuclei), would be equally interesting.”

the James WebbIt is the most powerful telescope ever launched into space, and is equipped with infrared instruments capable of detecting light from the oldest galaxies and their stars. Thus, Webb allows scientists to look back in time and space, at a distance of about 13.5 billion years, near the beginning of the universe as we know it.

“It’s our first look this far, so it’s important that we stay open to what we’re actually seeing. Although the evidence suggests these are likely galaxies, I think there’s a reasonable chance that there are at least a few of these massive objects out there.” black.” Regardless, the amount of mass we detected means that the known stellar mass for that period of our universe is up to 100 times greater than previously thought. That’s an impressive change in the data, Lisa said.

He added, “The discovery that the formation of massive galaxies began very early in the history of the universe upends what many of us considered a scientific fact,” noting that these early galaxies are so large that they collide with almost all galaxies (99%). ) their current models Cosmology. This leads either to a reshaping of cosmic models, or to a revision of the prevailing scientific understanding of the creation of galaxies, namely that they began as small clouds of gas and dust, which gradually grew larger over time.

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In any case, according to the researchers, it calls for a radical change in the prevailing view of how the universe has evolved. “We had a look at the very early universe for the first time and we had no idea what we were going to find. And it turns out that we found something so unexpected that it really poses a problem for science. It calls into question the whole picture from the formation of the first galaxies. My first thought was that we made a mistake and that we would eventually figure it out and move on with our lives. The lead researcher noted that despite all our efforts, we did not find any error.

Scientists will now try to confirm their findings by taking pictures of the spectrum of early, massive galaxies, so they will have more data about their true distances, as well as their gases and other components. “Spectroscopy will tell us right away whether these things are real or not,” Lisa said. “It will tell us how big they are and how far away they are.”

Recently, another scientific team announced that, with the help of James Webb, they had discovered four earlier galaxies, when the universe was only 350 million years old. But these galaxies were much smaller than expected from the first giants now discovered.