September 19, 2024

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Karaivas murder: Two brothers, route from “Karafla” to “Tamnakia” and targeting of journalist

Karaivas murder: Two brothers, route from “Karafla” to “Tamnakia” and targeting of journalist

New evidence shows Giorgos Karaivaz morally culpable in murder

The two brothers, aged 40 and 48, arrested for the murder of Giorgos Karaivaz are said to be members of well-known Night Godfather groups.

The officials know that both the arrested have been involved in incidents like extortion and robbery in the past.

However, what is particularly interesting is that in the past they had a close relationship with one of the most popular names of the night, the so-called “Karafla”.

After his murder, in Paleo Faleiro in June 2018, the two brothers switched sides and joined another well-known godfather of the night, a group known as “Tamnakia”.

Today the 53-year-old was the victim of a murderous attack in July 2020, but survived after a lengthy hospital stay.

The attack against him took place outside a well-known and busy bakery-confectionery shop on Varis Avenue.

He was saved when he quickly spotted two gunmen on a motorcycle and ran and hid behind his own and other parked vehicles in the store’s parking lot.

Two bullets from the shots he fired hit him in the stomach and arm. At the scene, police found 13 9mm shell casings.

The 53-year-old is currently in prison after being investigated for his involvement in a criminal organization and his relationship with two brothers arrested yesterday for Karaivaz’s murder is being investigated.

“Yorgos Karaivas was targeted by a certain thug”

Meanwhile, according to information revealed by Vassilis Lambropoulos in MEGA’s main news package, two members of the extortion gang, which was disbanded at the end of 2015, appear to be key figures in the investigation or in the file drawn up by ELAS. In April 2021, for the murder of a well-known journalist in Alimos.

For that 2015 case, Giorgos Karaivaz gave important information to police officers as part of his journalistic investigation.

One of these two persons, according to the filing, is said to be the driver of the “Beverly” brand scooter used in the murder.

The other person – according to the indications of the police officers – is considered the moral perpetrator and “coordinator” of the murderous attack against Giorgos Karaivas.

This person is said to be called “Damnakiyas”.

The file created at that time (in 2015) mentions the role of G. Karaivas in the police investigation, as well as unfavorable comments from the criminal authorities for this “intervention” of his.

ELAS executives did not rule out that the journalist’s specific involvement was one of the reasons that led to his targeting, as many of the defendants in the case were later sentenced to years of trials.

In addition, other offers are considered.

The authorities know

According to police sources, both the brothers remained calm during their arrest and stay at GADA.

As mentioned, they have also worried the authorities in the past.

Specifically, they were arrested following related arrest warrants accusing them of violating the Arms Act and being complicit in connection with a 2012 robbery case in Attica.

The 40-year-old has also been charged with attempted murder, ordinary bodily harm, menacing, defamation, false accusation and breaching the Domestic Violence Act.

At the same time, the 40-year-old man was also implicated in the murder of a boxer in Kalatshi on December 6, 2021, according to a recent investigation.

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