For those who don’t know, masked singer It is a reality show in which celebrities wear fancy clothes to hide their identity. Then they sing a song, while the judges and spectators try to guess who she is based on the clues.
After the former New York mayor and former attorney President Trump Take off his mask, Judge Ken Jeong He said, “I’m done.”
Then he left, as Guiliani continued to render “Bad to the Bone” by George Thoroughod and the Destroyers.
Guiliani is a controversial figure for a number of reasons. The FBI recently raided his home in connection with people who the pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden, whom Trump was running against at the time. He also obtained his legal license cancel – rescind in New York for “manifestly false and misleading statements” about the 2020 election.
I think it would have been good for Ken Jeong to leave The Masked Singer because of Rudy Giuliani but that in no way excuses Ken Jeong from being involved with The Masked Singer
Ken Jeong had the courage and dignity to do the right thing. Giuliani deserves to be in jail with his puppet master Trump, not on a TV show. This was a very bad decision even for Fox, famous for its bad decisions #TheMaskedSinger
Jenny McCarthy being an unabashed supporter of Giuliani, Robin Thicke and Nicole Scherzinger standing around smiling unknowingly, and Ken Jeong wanting any part of this nonsense, sounds like a good representation to voters. It also explains why Republicans continue to win elections. https://t.co/OBIKUf9kTL
They also condemned FOX for showing Guiliani:
Can we stop putting a traitor like RUDY GIULIANI on shows like the Masked Singer??? Stop normalizing criminals.
The Masked Singer Tried to Normalize Rudy Giuliani ABC Tries to Normalize Chris Christie CBS Tries to Normalize Mick Mulvaney News Try to Normalize Bill Barr & John Bolton stops trying to rehabilitate Trump’s criminal gang! They belong in the prison and not on our TV screens
Kane has not commented in more detail on the situation or the shutdown, but we’ll update you if he does.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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