Bordeaux's captain, Yannis Kurtoglou, complained that he had lost his creativity, and Leonidas Koutsopoulos asked him the most logical question.
Commander of the Annabi Brigade and a security guard until he was twelve years old Chef, Yannis Kurtoglu He had reason to complain in the last team test too.
He succeeded on another day against Lefteris, while throwing the sponge to Kostas, who made his debut as captain in the team's Test, and teammate Alexandros (“We've got to 14 and he hasn't made a motion for the plate, bro.” “Nothing else will happen. I'll prove it – aka vote”).
With the security afforded by captain's immunity to another board (and although its judges made it clear by its practice that it negated the importance of the captain) he continued to listen to and accept the suggestions of his teammates. Without commenting or suggesting additional removals to get the best possible result – so that everyone takes responsibility for their words and actions and there is no way to remove them again.
When Leonidas Kotsopoulos passed the couscous stalls, when he stopped at Yannis K., he commented that he seemed a bit nervous. The contestant explained that he feels that the band leader badge robbed him of his creativity.
Kotsopoulos told him the obvious (“Why don't you just take it out?”), that captains could resign, as well as be removed or challenged by another player.
He didn't get an answer. That is, he did not get a relevant answer, as Giannis K. asked. On why he can't reveal his creativity, which he said he hasn't been able to show yet. Many “maybes” end with “Maybe it's my fault?” In the trailer for today's episode, he admits that he is “afraid to speak,” and when he spoke he was threatened with impeachment.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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