September 8, 2024

Valley Post

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Liagas and Caliva were arrested

Liagas and Caliva were arrested

At the beginning, the broadcaster said: “For me, it is a challenge, and I am saying this for the first time, that Mr. Babis Anagnostopoulos is taking exams. He is not prohibited, the state gives him the right to improve his work and benefit from it. I think that in these cases, when you want to apologize to society, you You’re lying. You’re not moving forward.”

Giorgos Liagas added: “It is difficult when you kill your wife in this way, to dream of becoming a sociologist, psychologist or anything else. Ethically for me it is a challenge. Usually in these cases you go into a corner and no one in Greece knows anything about you.” This is repentance.”

“A person has to have morals to really think about what he’s saying. He doesn’t,” Fotini Petrogianni said.

Eriya Kaliva then expressed her dissenting opinion: “What you are saying is extremely unfair. By the same logic, all those who committed such heinous crimes should do nothing with their lives, tie a stone around their necks and kill themselves… There is also the concept of imprisonment. A person with a right. Anagnostopoulos is an animal, yes, but every person has a right to life.”

George said in a strong tone: “There is no punishment in prisons, it is a shame to say that. The biggest gangs are controlled and directed by people inside the prisons! Please! There are no lies in my program!”

Watch the video:

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