March 14, 2025

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Liagas, Caenorgio, Microtsikos, Psinakis and TV Coin

Liagas, Caenorgio, Microtsikos, Psinakis and TV Coin

I will not calm down..

For a man to be separated for two days is not permissible, brothers. M. Monday morning My mobile phone has been “broken” due to calls and messages on So.Me…

Well, my “butt was eating me up too” and I was new to using a mobile phone – I admit it. But also in SK and Monday morning Such a mystery has never happened before in any locality – because the TV brothers are now a locality – like a Daliandis movie, where in the “closed” neighborhood they marry/divorce/fight and every nut, every nut, blossoms.

Skoulos and the TV he left to save himself

So “Stop Marijuana”, in the “TV arena”, where we have all entered now, those who admired it in the past to make it street equal… in a few words? What is outside the courtyard and what is inside it are one, brothers. The “magic” was lost, jobs were “sold”, the inaccessible became within walking distance, and “humans” claimed, bought or even blackmailed what they had always dreamed of: making an offer. And they succeeded…

Of course, they may not have succeeded, because due to the large number of broadcasts by everyone who calls themselves a broadcaster, broadcasting remained and television was lost.

My friend Dimitris Skolos once said:In recent years, actors have become singers and presenters. They are the new influencers and they are doing well. The new heroes of that time were actors. Has no one seen a person change and become arrogant due to excessive exposure? If you have your feet firmly established and have achieved something in your life or are a humble person like we should be, then you don't change».

And if only actors and singers… at least they also have a course in so-called propaganda as residents of Jerusalem. The guy or girl who doesn't have it and doesn't “have it”? The one who watched it on TV as a kid and became obsessed with his experience like a kid who wants to be a doctor, without reading? I did not even mention those who were insulting the television through their posts, so that they would find an opportunity to “spoil” them. And now these announcers are announcing, you know…

For this, Those of you with remote controls, look awayWhich proves to us that the best shows are presented outside television, brothers. We've done it from the inside out since… Clearly, the best content is not in the funnel of shopaholics, but in the passion of enthusiasts.

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Let's Begin…

Why am I writing all this? But because they are the source and reason for what we are experiencing in the last days on the blazing beach of the show. I'm back, not as the “Punisher” I expected, or as the “Pestadimitri” we were talking about (we're laughing here). But the absence certainly helped, which, because of the distance, gave me that clearer perspective that anyone who breaks away from the whirlwind of routine sometimes conjures. If I talk bullshit again, you know: Send a message on So.Me. the brothers…

We're gearing up for Jason Donovan's “Sealed With A Kiss” and getting down to business, #Reminders


To remember…

  • Everyone commenting on the written chapter announcement of Athena Economakou: If it should or shouldn't, is it appropriate/inappropriate and why “ordinary mortals” do not have this choice, necessarily sticking to the last and trite question about “urinating” in the well. “Brothers, This is not a press release, but a polite ex-court (opinion) so that the vultures do not become “rabid” and the personal lives of people and children go up and down. Did he really want it or was this season not showing such signs somehow, the parents had to be protected? From the “glass eye” of the presenters/guys in the morning “entertainment” area – mainly – who, for a “total” unit of the audience, or “commercial youth” (even they (I don't know where to aim every day)) have linked even from ” Apology” Jesus in direct communication from Anna to Caiaphas called the great-grandmother Barabbas, which, however, is not at all like that.
  • I carefully followed the incident at J2US and its aftermath. So, in order of priority, I first want to write something I've wanted to do for a long time: Mary Senatsaki is one of the kindest people I know, and her only goal in everything she says and does for years is to help. Trust me, if there was any sense of self-interest anywhere in her head, she wouldn't be selling (and more) clothes, but she would be best friend/maid of honor/daughter/partner #worldgoalpartner, or on every person's payroll producer/presenter/wife, leader Channel and agent for the past ten years. But no, Mary wants to do good with her fame and “wash it off.” The time will come (at #FlyNews on Sunday, most likely) for me to tell you everything I know, feel and think, but for now I'll stick with the above.
  • It seems that Elias came to raise the numbers of J2US. He says and does what others – around him – would not dare to do, and he always does it. But in the past, it was bold and raised the numbers.. Now, it is not only “selling”, but is flirting with the dangerous. I want to say that even if this particular incident had not happened, something else would have “happened” that night, because times have changed. as it should…
  • Therefore, those who sought from the havel, down to the numbers on an old television set and (thankfully) outlived us, are responsible. You put the lit match next to the gasoline and tell us that you had no intention of starting the fires and that “the fires are far away from you”? okay then…
  • In conclusion, with my friend Elias being the way he has been for years, those who casually called him a “savior” and are now “washing their hands” are to blame. They are not only responsible to you for the nonsense that happened, but also to those who “threw it into the lions’ arena.” Then they supported the lions..
  • I admit that Natalia Germano from the same channel said while working with the production company “J2US” that they brought Elias in to raise the numbers. I hate to do it, but I'm not a Germano either and apparently, I never will be.
  • that A superficial, rushed and embarrassing TV score for “TV Queen's”. No offense to the broadcasting brothers. Ioana makes her second attempt on Greek TV and #tieihametichasmos. On the other hand, Andreas does bring spring. When he enters, he will…
  • Any damage is to the image of the channel and the professionals in front of and behind the cameras who accepted (or even claimed) involvement in something that went “on air” like this, without being prepared, or meeting each other. Minimum specifications. Others said they would never be on TV again, others were promoting their dream show, and finally… “I want to be the Queen of TV.”
  • That Liagas always “rebukes” Andreas “…with love and respect…” because, as he said: “I think you are the best, but here I made a mistake” in order to “sweeten” the phrase: “Caenorgio has been the same for many years. Now if Some of you are licking it and now you are cursing it, that's your business. Don't join the Cainorgio show, guys.” But Andreas (to tell the truth) sent him a message interrupting his reaction and information about his future in “Super Katerina”.
  • That – for the record – Giyorgis the next day continued to provide marginal information that Katerina had helped Microtosikos financially.
  • I write again that Andreas spoke to Liagas.
  • That Nikos Kouklonis who also heard his comments about the “TV Queen”, but also the indecent incident that occurred on Saturday in “J2Us” from “To Proinono” of ANT1… Liagas once again gave the exclusivity of the answer by phone.
  • That since Kainuriou didn't allow herself to “come out” to Liagas to tell her grievances about Andreas, well let's say it again.
  • That everyone is playing George's game. respect…
  • That the other person sees the camera and feels comfortable telling us who is being spoken to and who is not being spoken to, rather than telling them and them to “figure it out.” Where it is appropriate for everyone to express their pain, brothers. I don't interfere.
  • That Marina Satti will win this year's Eurovision. Now that I watched the rehearsal, I believed it too. Is the Hungarian good now?
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Our thoughts and soul are theirs.

Since our conversation today took place amid vanities, misunderstandings, embarrassing scenes, and Shaw Beach intrigues, brothers, there is no place for me to write to you about what really frightened me.

I'll just say that entire families hugged each other and waited for the fire to burn them down, because they had nowhere to turn. There was no one to pay for it…or rather, no: those who were convicted were charged with a misdemeanor. It is a misdemeanor to disturb hours of public tranquility, to understand…

May our thoughts and hearts (at least our hearts) be with those 104 people who were murdered in the summer of 2018 in the most brutal ways here, in Attica…

“Turn My Back on the Future” by Harris and Panos Katsimihas And see you on Easter Sunday at #FlyNews. Happy Easter, sisters

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