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Maduro calls on voters tomorrow to give him the “green light” to invade Guyana

Maduro calls on voters tomorrow to give him the “green light” to invade Guyana

“Shoes” on her turf guyana, For a country size Florida to United States of America, Which is rich oil And metal, The government wants to put Maduro In Venezuela, it asks its citizens to go to the polls tomorrow, giving the “green light” for the country’s invasion of its only English-speaking region. latin america.

Her boss’s goal Venezuela The goal is to create a new country while raising concerns about regional stability in South America.

Government interest Maduro On the territory of a part of Guyana called Essequibo, a vast region rich in natural resources, tensions have arisen. This area is home to the indigenous people of Guyana and is claimed by both countries. That’s why mr Maduro Tomorrow, he calls on his citizens to give him “yes” to invade neighboring Guyana by annexing three-quarters of its oil-rich territory.

The new state he envisioned Nicolas Maduro It will get the name “Guayana Esequiba”. the guyana, The only English-speaking country in South America, it maintains that the original agreement has legal force and binding force.

Fears are growing of further instability in Latin America

In 2018, he reported on International Court To confirm this position. A looming referendum in Venezuela and increasing rhetoric from both countries indicate rising tensions, raising fears of possible military action and increased instability in the region. According to the American newspaper “Herald Tribune”, some experts see the whole matter as a political ploy, although many Guyanese see the move as a real threat and express fears, among other things, that they will lose their citizenship.

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“It is clear that Maduro has local constituencies in mind, but I think that when weighing the negatives of annexation, it would be crazy for Maduro to risk getting 74% of the vote.” Guyana”, male Evelo Griffith, A senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, a former vice-chancellor of the University of Guyana, and an expert on regional security. “Guyana is not a small piece of land,” he said.


Brazil sent a mediator

Growing tensions became apparent this week when Brazil, a close ally of both countries that shares a border with them, sent its chief adviser. Celso Amorin to mediate, while announcing that it was strengthening its military presence on its northern borders amid fears that a permanent confrontation could lead to war.

He added, “The Ministry of Defense is closely monitoring the situation. The Brazilian Ministry of Defense said in a statement: “Defense measures have intensified in the country’s northern border region, as the government has sent more forces to the region.”

Border dispute between Guyana and Venezuela

The border dispute between Guyana and Venezuela began before the end of the nineteenth century and escalated when the English-speaking region began discovering oil on its territory a few years ago.

In its related publication, Venezuela It claims ownership of about 159.5 square kilometers of Guyana – a piece of “Essequibo” land when both countries were European colonies.

Although Venezuela has repeatedly appealed the 1899 decision by international arbitrators that established the current border between the two countries, it has allowed the issue to remain front and center for decades. The border dispute is currently before…the United Nations International Court of Justice.

Guyana asked the international court to uphold the 1899 ruling as binding, and for the first time in November, it called on the judiciary to curb the referendum in Venezuela.

Its democracy guyana, It has an area of ​​159,500 square kilometers and Essequibo makes up two-thirds of its territory. However, Venezuela has claimed Essequibo since the Spanish colonial period.

“It is illegal for Venezuela to go ahead with the referendum.”

“We asked them to point out that it is illegal for Venezuela to proceed with the referendum in its current form,” said Carl Greenidge, a former Guyanese foreign minister who represented Guyana in the long-running dispute.

Its government Guyana He asks the International Court to consider the questions they will be asked to answer in tomorrow’s referendum as well as his regime’s comments Maduro.

He added: “The questions, as currently formulated, could be seen or interpreted as aiming to give Venezuela a plan or approval to take military action.” carl greenidge, He considered his Spanish-speaking neighbor’s move “completely ridiculous.”

A former Guyanese foreign minister who represented the country in its long-running dispute with Venezuela said his country hopes to receive a decision from the international court on Friday on the referendum.

Maduro is trying to boost his popularity

According to political analysts, his efforts Maduro Fanning the flames of nationalism is an attempt to boost his faltering popularity that could easily spiral out of control and create a situation in which he is forced to use the powers he invokes.

“The government is stuck in a trap of its own,” said Rocio San Miguel, head of Control Ciudadano, an organization that monitors Venezuela’s armed forces, adding that “a yes vote in tomorrow’s referendum could awaken public opinion in the country.” Maduro’s demand to occupy disputed territories.

The American newspaper indicates that the Maduro regime has already launched an aggressive propaganda campaign in the news media it controls, with television and radio stations broadcasting every few minutes jingles promoting a consistent message: “Essequibo is ours.”

“Maduro’s claims are baseless.”

Its government Guyana He clearly claims that Maduro’s border claims are baseless, and warned his government not to underestimate the country’s right to defend itself. He also added that a referendum would usurp the jurisdiction of the international court before it has the opportunity to rule on Guyana’s claim to sovereignty over its territory.

The border, drawn by international arbitrators in 1899 when Guyana was a British colony, has long been disputed by Venezuela.

The disputed border was examined by representatives from Britain, Russia and the United States. The United States represented Venezuela to some extent in the talks due to Maduro’s country cutting diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom.

In 2015, ExxonMobil’s announcement of an oil discovery near Essequibo revived Venezuela’s interest in the region.

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