the Maria Menounos She spoke openly about her health adventure, with pancreatic cancer, which she said she was diagnosed with last January. Over the summer, she spoke about doctors ignoring her tumor as she prepared to welcome her first child.
Today, after this adventure she went through, she published a touching post on her personal Instagram account stating that things are much better now.
Specifically, Maria Menounos stated: “I am so excited to share some good news about my health journey! Earlier, the doctor surgically removed my pancreatic tumor as well as my spleen and 17 lymph nodes. In honor of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, I would like to share this with you all because I am grateful Forever for the successful surgery he performed and the great care he gave me at UCLA. Despite the circumstances, we laughed a lot as we shared our common roots in Boston. Thank you Doctor!
The video shows us walking daily at UCLA after surgery. He injured his leg the same day I went for an MRI to confirm the tumor was in his pancreas. She cried with me that night. We’ve been through a lot together and I’m grateful that he pushed everyone to rush me into getting biopsies and surgery. With the tumor doubling in size in less than two months, it literally saved my life. Oh, here’s the good news. “I wanted to share with you, my recent PET scan was clear and I am so thankful to God and Saint Nectarios that I am safe!”
Read also: Maria Menounos: She stands in front of the mirror and shows us her surgery scars
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