The eighth edition of MasterChef, one of the most tumultuous and demanding in the history of the culinary competition, has come to an end, declaring Lefteris Zafeiropoulos the big winner.
Lefteris Zafiropoulos: age, biography and career abroad
The tension reached its peak as the three judges slowly and painfully opened the envelopes containing the results. Everyone’s hunch that the final result would be determined on the edge of a razor turned out to be absolutely correct!
MasterChef: Lefteris Zafiropoulos’ Journey to the Top
Lefteris, with a total of 23 points in the three tests, wins the title and 100,000 euros.
Visibly moved, he dedicated his great victory to his uncle, who is no longer alive, bringing tears to his relatives. He then made a special mention of his teammate Stamatis and thanked any other participants who supported him.
MasterChef: Get immunity, €1,000 and a ticket to the top ten!
The 30-year-old chef raised the trophy high into the sky amid applause, confetti and hugs from his relatives and most enthusiastic supporters.
Detailed scores from the two finalists
The mysterious box
Christina Christofi: 7/10
Lefteris Zafiropoulos: 6/10
Creativity test
Christina Christofi: 7/10
Lefteris Zafiropoulos: 8/10
Copy board
Christina Christofi: 7/10
Lefteris Zafiropoulos: 9/10
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. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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