08/21/2023 | 16:13
Eleftherostypos.gr newsroom
Mercury appears to be retrograde in Virgo on August 23, 2023, and will remain retrograde until October 15, 2023.
With Mercury retrograde in Virgo, issues related to our professional relationships, the scope of our work, the services we provide to others and those provided to us by others, health and fitness issues, education and the environment will concern us more or perhaps create problems for us.
Since Virgo is one of the signs that pay attention to details, the essence of things, and productivity, Mercury retrograde in this sign can be associated with a greater degree of stress in order to obtain the results we expect. The period of these 23 days is positive if we want to revisit the issues that preoccupied us in early August, to give greater importance to our health by returning to good eating habits and exercise, to correct mistakes at work.
On the other hand, with Mercury retrograde in Virgo, this is a good time to reconnect with old colleagues we’ve worked with in the past or even our bosses who might have something to recommend. During the period of Mercury retrograde in Virgo, the variable signs will be more affected, especially those born in the second ten days of these signs. Those born in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, or those born in these constellations, should be more careful and flexible during this period, which extends until September 15, 2023.
Impact on 12 marks
Mercury appears to be retrograde in Virgo from 08/23 to 09/15 in the areas of work, your daily work life, and your physical condition. What can bother you the most during retrograde are the little everyday things, which can disrupt your day and throw your schedule completely off schedule. Planning for your future again can be difficult as delays and setbacks arise. So look to be more flexible and adaptable. Getting back into good, healthy habits is the best thing you can do.
Mercury’s retrograde path until September 15th seems to occur in a sign that is friendly to you and won’t punish you as much at other times. What might bother you a bit is that you probably won’t come up with many creative ideas, but maybe if you look into your past you’ll find something you can use now. On the other hand, this Mercury retrograde could mean a return from your romantic past. Although Mercury retrograde is not suitable for new love stories, it is quite suitable for returns and second chances, as long as you make sure that the reasons that caused the breakup in the first place are gone.
Mercury retrograde, retrograde in Virgo, puts you in an especially emotional phase with problems that may come from the past, even from your childhood, to the surface and make it difficult for you. But instead of feeling depressed or repeating the same problems, make a good decision to solve them, and talk about them openly, especially with the people who may be involved in them, or if you do not want to deal with them, you can do so with a trusted friend or even with a psychologist. On the other hand, this is a good period until 09/15 to “mend” broken relationships with some of your family members or even old friends. Real estate issues may still worry you.
Mercury’s retrograde path apparently begins on August 23 in Virgo in the field of communication and movement. From now on, you have to pay special attention to everything related to communications, the Internet, communication applications, social media, your emails, messages, and your icons, but Also your own transportation. What can save you from stress and pressure is attention to detail and careful control of everything that leaves you. It’s not a particularly good time for a fresh start but you shouldn’t have any problems starting something you’ve been doing for a while.
Mercury appears to be retrograde in the financial sector of your solar chart, and this means that money will be on your mind for many and a variety of reasons. This certainly does not mean that even if you have it, you should take it lightly. Avoid very important purchases, especially media, electronic tools, or means of transportation, unless it is a used thing, in which case there is no problem. Also, pay attention to your bills, make sure you pay your obligations on time, and don’t take any financial risks. If someone owes you money, try to ask for it during this time because you might get it.
Your ruler Mercury’s retrograde path appears to begin in your sign, dear Virgo, from August 23 to September 15. It somehow affects the rhythms of your daily life and your spoken and written language. It is an influence that can be somewhat mentally stressful, as you will have a lot to say and do, but there will also be a lot to be late, put off, or in a state of confusion. You may have a feeling of haze in your daily life where not much is clarified so you don’t know how to organize. In general, it is not a good idea to make very important decisions now or to take any initiatives. Also avoid expensive purchases. People from the past may come back into your life.
The beginning of Mercury retrograde seems to take place in a more secretive, behind-the-scenes, psychological part of your sign, the only danger of which is that you get caught up in the various “noises” of your daily life and don’t. Focus on your priorities and your business. On the other hand, you may be investigating various things, which you may not want to advertise at the moment. Or you may have confidential communications and discussions about your future job or career plan. You may be looking for some therapy, diet or exercise to take care of your physical condition. People from the past may appear, even in your dreams, at this time.
the scorpion
The retrograde path of Mercury in Virgo will affect your friendly and professional communications. You can reconnect with people from your previous jobs or friends you’ve lost touch with. Your old colleagues may offer you a job. On the other hand, you may now be rethinking more deeply your role in the groups in which you are active. Or even revisit your goals and past agreements and make adjustments. Of course there is the possibility of misunderstandings or difficulties in your cooperation with others. Have to be more patient until 9/15.
The retrograde path of Mercury in Virgo in the field of professional life calls for special attention to your professional relationships, especially those with bosses, bosses, and those who have an opinion on your work. You may go into the process of reviewing practices or ways of working, correcting what you consider to be bad scripts, or holding meetings to make revisions and changes. Of course, you will pay attention to both the communications and the decisions you make. This is clearly not the time to make a drastic change or take a risk in a new professional activity. Departure departure after 9/15.
It seems that the retrograde path of Mercury in Virgo does not conflict with your sign. You may be reviewing some of your plans, whether for your studies or career plans for the future. You may experience further delays or problems communicating with foreigners abroad. On the other hand, someone from your past may appear who has something to offer you. Pay close attention to your movements, focus on driving and check your data to keep it safe. Even if you have to take a long trip, be careful not to miss a flight and your luggage.
Your sign is not known for its inner workings and introversion, so it seems that Mercury is retrograde in the 8th signthe Your solar home will be a foreign experience. From August 23 to September 15, Mercury puts you on a bit of a digging into things that are holding you back on an emotional and romantic level, but also with your finances. You have the opportunity to do more psychological analysis, but also to look for ways in which you can improve your income. Find out what you can cut, and what changes you can make to settlements and agreements.
Mercury’s retrograde path, which begins on August 23 in Virgo, seems to activate your sector of relationships, partnerships, and significant “others” in your life. The period until 15/09 requires that you pay attention to your discussions and you should take the first step in listening to what others have to say and then expressing your own opinions. Some past disagreements may resurface, or the issues that occupied you last month may come to the fore again. Of course, other problems may arise. On the other hand, you may return to an old relationship or partnership.
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