September 8, 2024

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Mitsotakis: We cannot rely on the Americans alone for security

Mitsotakis: We cannot rely on the Americans alone for security

Kyriakos Mitsotakis speaks on the message that all allied countries must do more for common security, even if it means additional defense spending. To television network CNN and journalist Julia Satterley At 01:30 AM Saturday morning (Greece time).

The Prime Minister underlined that European countries cannot rely solely on the Americans for their security and must take initiatives for the Union’s strategic autonomy. At the NATO summit, he was responding to questions about how he viewed US President Biden after his repeated missteps, citing the rise of populist parties in Europe. Our responsibility is to provide real answers to real problems, the Prime Minister said, wanting to dramatize the debate about the rise of the far right.

For the Biden situation

I understand the interest in the topic, but for obvious reasons I won’t comment. Biden has always been in NATO and has spoken fluently on complex issues. I spoke to him, but in this setting you don’t always have time to talk much with the host, but he was happy.

I understand the awkwardness, sometimes it happens. (referring to the fallacies about Zelensky)

Ukraine/defense spending

It was clear that Ukraine’s candidacy was irrevocable. Ultimately the NATO alliance is stronger than ever.

There is a clear commitment by alliance members to spend 2% of GDP on defense expenditure. Greece spends 3% of its GDP. And some countries that didn’t do it in the past are already doing it.

We cannot rely on the Americans alone for our security, it is a question of strategic autonomy. NATO is stronger because it complements NATO.

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We need to spend 2% of the GDP, which is not enough in these geopolitically complex times. Many countries have realized this

We in Europe need to think about a common defense architecture that adds more European resources to our arsenal. I have raised this in the European Council with Donald Tusk with the proposal for European air defense, a discussion on linking our weapons to our ambitions.

Rise of populists/ European elections

The center remains in our country and I lead a centre-right government. There are many such governments in Europe. And while fears of a far-right rise were somewhat exaggerated, the rise was not expected.

But the problems are real, to be exact, immigration. But the populists’ answers are simplistic and unworkable. We need to provide real solutions to real problems.


Greece doesn’t have much of a tourist problem, some islands can have it in July and August, so we have to deal with the infrastructure issue. But visiting tourists keep coming back. It will be a record year and that is why we have invested heavily in tourism.

Six days work

Greece has a five-day working day and we also offer a four-day working day. But in exceptional circumstances and in enterprises of continuous operation, with the agreement of the employee and the employer and with increased wages, there may be a sixth party under certain conditions.

But we work five days and take compliance with labor laws very seriously.

Using all possibilities to resolve the Cyprus problem based on the decisions of the Security Council

Earlier on Friday, Prime Minister U.N Antonio Gutierrez In New York.

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During the meeting, the Prime Minister expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the Secretary General and his Personal Envoy, government sources said. MARIA ANGELA HOLQUIN To resume negotiations on the Cyprus issue.

Kiriakos Mitsotakis underlined that it is an unacceptable situation that Cyprus is divided 50 years after the tragedy of ’74. Every possibility to find a solution to the Cyprus problem is open to the UN. to be applied in accordance with the decisions of the Security Council..

Greece’s appointment as a non-permanent member of the Security Council (2025-26) was also discussed.

Prime Minister Mr. He briefed Guterres on Greek priorities and underlined that Greece wants to be a bridge between South and North, West and East. Global South.


Diplomatic sources: There is no plan for a four- or five-part meeting

According to diplomatic sources at the UN, the Secretary-General said during his meeting with the Prime Minister of Greece that he was ready to explore all possibilities for the two communities to resume talks.

No information was provided in the meeting between the two on the content of Ms. Holkin’s report, but the report is said to outline the current situation on the island.

However, the same diplomatic sources make clear that there was no proposal by the Secretary-General for a four-party or five-party meeting, which Athens did not accept.

In the next immediate period, the proposals are expected to be announced by Antonio Guterres, who since Wednesday, July 10, has been reading the report given to him by his personal envoy, Maria Angela Holguin.

The Secretary-General is expected to encourage both sides to continue efforts to get them to the negotiating table, while the UN General Assembly intends to discuss Ms Holguin’s mandate in September.

Ms Holkin met the Greek and Turkish foreign ministers in Washington on Thursday morning (July 11), while today she has asked to meet the US secretary of state. US Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs James O’Brien is expected to receive it at the State Department, according to reports.

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