Nikos Mutsinas has become furious over Katrina Kaynoorgio’s show ‘Super Katrina”s reference to Elena Babila.
The well-known broadcaster commented on the video with Elena Babila who appeared on the show and the comments of the committee, saying: “Enough, Gosami Rahma, enough. Now listen … Let’s look at it as observers, commenting on the number of cameras that have been turned on, if that happens, 30 will not be used.” % of the cameras. She went to ask ‘You didn’t make numbers, how do you feel?’ And tell her in quotes – we’re going crazy – that you stole Hatzivasiliou’s ideas. We played her statements, and the woman didn’t say anything like that.”
He continued, “If Mrs. Babila had not seen the statements and the journalist told her: He said you stole the ideas, the girl would have replied: Well, we didn’t steal anything.” Journalists were going to Hatzivasileiou again. They would tell her “she said they didn’t steal anything”. Do you understand what is happening? Get over it, it’s too old! This is a terrible TV, not even that old. I’ve also worked out at Kush Kush, I’m saying all of this from experience. We did this, it was a shame, we didn’t care and we’re happy. There it is, covered “we went for the report” they say, but they went to do it upside down. Shame. Not you, Katrina.”
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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