“This show is a special moment for Call of Duty, and for the first time in franchise history, this year’s Premium Edition is a direct sequel to last year’s Modern Warfare II,” the development team says in a related blog post. Also, emphasizing the recent teasers, Activision promises that the upcoming game will include the most content-rich Zombies mode ever.
There will also be new open combat missions in the campaign, new combat vests and perk system for multiplayer player configuration, new Tac-Stance movement, new after-market parts for unrivaled gunsmith customization and much more.
Inside everything and a new hub for Call of Duty content.
“From Modern Warfare II and Warzone and now with Modern Warfare III and beyond, players will be able to access content from one place, Call of Duty HQ, so it’s easy to choose the game and modes you want to engage with.”
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be released on November 10, 2023 for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.
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