Antigonus Drispiotti and Giannis Antetokounmpo, along with the rest of the Greek delegation, shone at the start of the opening ceremony.
Olympics: Antetokounmpo-Drispiotis and Greek delegation enter Sequana
The Greek delegation’s standard-bearers, Antigoni Drispiotis and Giannis Antetokounmpo, appeared on the Seine River, proudly carrying the Greek flag and opening the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games.
Antigony Drispiotti and Giannis Antetokounmpo, along with the rest of the Greek delegation, shined at the start of the opening ceremony. The two standard bearers took first place, carrying the Greek flag on a stunning boat crossing the Seine River. The rest of the athletes from the Greek delegation followed suit.
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The Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games is a spectacular and symbolic event that marks the official start of the Olympic Games, one of the world’s largest sporting events. It features a series of ceremonies and celebrations that celebrate sporting excellence, global cooperation and culture.
Watch the opening ceremony live:
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