Kasidiaris may drop out of the May 21 elections, after a “ban” from the Areopagus, but another convicted for running the Golden Dawn criminal organization, Kinema 21 – seems to have found ways to associate with a party. Light” to participate in the election process.
The reason is that Yiannis Lagos, despite being incarcerated in prison, had the opportunity to express his well-known views in an online show published on YouTube. The program was presented by Joice Constantino Bechlis, leader of Movement 21, which is to vote in the upcoming elections. A few months ago, in February 2023, the video was released when a public debate was already underway on how to prevent Ilias Kasidiaris, who was convicted of running the Golden Dawn criminal organization, from participating in the party’s elections.
21 The leader of the movement, a captain and army doctor, characterizes Yannis Lagos at the start of the online program “Political Prisoner” And he says he’s in jail for something he didn’t do. “There will be intervention by people in prison, we have a political prisoner, Yanis Lagos, like other Golden Dawn MPs. In jail for something he didn’t do“, says Joyce Bechlis in particular.
He also mentions attempts to prevent Kasidiyars from contesting elections “Disgraceful Method” Against a party “We disagree not with the followers but with its leader. We believe that this party, Cassidiaris, as a member of the Golden Tone, was involved in any murder. Something they try to mount, but on the betrayal of Macedonia. One must know history to understand it in a good direction. “Yiannis Lagos is just too late to understand her and make his moves”, Joyce Bechlis can be heard saying before giving the floor to the convicted ex-gold digger from inside the prison.
In his well-known manner and speech, he was convicted of leading a criminal organization that, among other things, “is in direct collaboration with the Greek judiciary and the rulers, the parties that dominate and subjugate the Greek citizenry. A Cosa Nostra, a mafia that runs Greece”. He defines himself as a “simple, popular, everyday person”, while he is given the opportunity to express his positions and talk about his personal history.
“I know you have a good streak, a good courage Whether they like it or not, justice shines“At the end of his communication with Ioannis Lagos, the leader of Movement 21 can be heard saying, to which the latter replied: “Keep it up, don’t give up on Chow”.Our prayers are with those who have been wronged“, says the leader of Movement 21.
Here’s what Zois Bechlis told Realfm 97.8
Joyce Bechlis, leader of Movement 21, spoke to Realfm 97.8 and Manos Niflis’ show. Among others, Mr. Bechlis admitted to speaking with Yiannis Lagos, noting that “he belongs to a party that has left and we don’t want to do anything.”
«At Kinema 21 we talk to everyoneThere are children of political refugees… We also have ND, KKE and PASOK officers”, he stressed.
The program aired an excerpt from a conversation between Joyce Behlis and Yannis Lagos, among others, the leader of Movement 21, who mentions that the convicted former gold prospector is a political prisoner and is in prison for something he did not do. . “Do you know if Giannis Lagos killed anyone?” He responded to Realfm, declaring at the same time that he had no faith in the Greek justice system.
Listen to the audio:
What is Movement 21?
On its website, the 21 movement presents itself with three steps: 1) Unite the Greeks (break free from the trappings of political ideologies and embrace the idea of the nation), 2) Revolutionize democratically (overthrow the treacherous anti-Hellenic politics established through the electoral process), 3) We Greece. deliver (we restore law, order and prosperity to Greece and the Greeks).
Among the 21 points represented by the party, as described on the website, Greece belongs to Greeks and Greeks only, liberating Greece from foreign financiers, leaving Greece from this German-dominated European Union if the European Union does not comply with our national needs, returning all people who enter our country illegally to their countries, the last 30 A review of all asylum permits granted over the years and a ban on the operation of all NGOs in Greek territory. .
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