“When I see that there is something toxic in my work, I will probably get up and leave,” she said. Rania Sheza
the Rania Sheza She mentioned her collaboration with Lefteris Vogiatzis.
“Acting was something that had always consumed me. I initially turned to mathematics, and at some point it happened, I did what I wanted. Something tragic happened that revealed to me that when you want something badly, do it the moment you want it, because you never know what will happen the next day.” “A person very dear to me died and he also wanted to do something very much. He was about to finish something planned, but he did not,” Rania Chisa said at the beginning on the program “Pame Danae”.
to lefteri Vogiatzis, the Rania Sheza He said: “Lefteris Vogiatzis was very cruel indeed, but he was the same with himself. He was not an abuser, but a soul-tearing and soul-taker. We all carry a cross, but there is no reason in the state we are in for me to take what I have out of you. When I see… “There’s something toxic about my job, I’ll probably just get up and leave.”
Rania Chisa also spoke about Giorgos Kapotzidis, with whom she collaborated on the MEGA comedy series, Saturdayborn: “I am proud of Giorgos Kapotzidis. He is a bright creature, with a lot of love in him, who has the power of speech and the freedom to be his own identity. There were three rivalries between those born on Saturdayborn Saturday, and suddenly female friendship could be seen. Giorgos Kapotzidis loves women very much. If they call me ‘Señora Sola’ I am happy. She is not bad, she is very beautiful and I enjoy her.”
In conclusion, Rania Chiesa said: “How much does it cost to say a kind word to someone? Isn’t it an insult to say only what bothers the other person? They raise a man very high and the next moment they drop him. I see Milto Tedoglu and he is a masterpiece, he is deified at this moment “And inside I shudder at his pleasure in tearing it apart. I avoid that.”
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