Time snapshot
There were a few this year too Wounds from burnsCovers the festive atmosphere of Easter.
Three children from Rhodes, Agistry And Simi They were seriously injured by fireworks that fell after “Christ is risen” on Resurrection Night, and still Four men were injured In Leonidas of ArcadiaTrying to light the sparks.
According to ERT, a 27-year-old person transferred from Leonidio has been hospitalized since yesterday (15/4) evening, while others, with serious injuries, have been hospitalized in the “Jennimatas” hospital.
The 27-year-old is admitted to the hospital’s ICU and has injuries to her neck and cervix from the firecracker explosion.
Children are 9 years old at “Agia Sophia”.
A 9-year-old refugee boy was transferred to the “Agia Sophia” Children’s Hospital with a partially amputated finger and a crushed palm.
A child injured in a firework explosion was taken from Pylos.
He was taken to the emergency room and examined.
Injuries to children from sparklers
After the resurrection, a 14-year-old boy Fish hook. The child suffered multiple firecracker burns and amputation of the fingers on the left upper limb and an injury on the right upper limb.
A 14-year-old boy underwent surgery and is being treated at the hospital’s plastic surgery department. The operation went well and the baby is otherwise well.
Also, a 13-year-old boy SimiThe fingers of his right hand were partially amputated and his face was injured in a firecracker explosion.
A 13-year-old boy admitted for plastic surgery is expected to undergo surgery in the next few hours. His condition is critical.
She was taken to hospital with burns Rhodes A 7-year-old girl. He was injured by burns in Malona village.
“Face burning, he is doing well at home, he went home after a 24-hour hospital stay. He has burns […] Something needs to be done, from banning those on the market, they are no longer called sparklers and dynamite. They are dynamite,” said Malonas, community leader, ERT. Nektarios Moustakelis.
With information from ERT
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