Royal biographer Angela Levin has claimed that Meghan Markle plans to dump Prince Harry and leave him stranded in America while she resumes her old acting career.
Meghan Markle is slowly separating herself from Prince Harry and hopes to gain full custody of their two young children, Levine reports.
The couple’s relationship has been rumored in recent weeks after several incidents that drew criticism from the media, leading to speculation that they were about to go their separate ways. The fact that the couple He did not publicly or privately – from what is said – celebrate his fifth wedding anniversary on May 19adding fuel to the fire of rumors, according to what was reported Scottish Daily Express.
Recent reports claim that the Duke of Sussex is said to have his own duke A private room in a luxury Los Angeles hotel complex he’s reportedly on standby for.
Royal biographer Angela Levinwho has written several books on the monarchy, it is alleged that Meghan Markle plans to divorce Harry.
Speaking about their relationship to GB News, she claimed that their relationship “crumbled badly” after the wedding.
“She’s completely breaking up with him.”
Angela Levine says Prince Harry is slowly being abandoned by the “self-obsessed” Meghan Markle.
🖥 GB News on YouTube https://t.co/Wa58gYGZwF pic.twitter.com/954Mi1jNOy
– GB News (GBNEWS) May 24, 2023
He added: “If you look back on that day, you’ll see as we later find out that Meghan Markle had actually planned to leave the UK before she actually got married. I think she’s planning her future carefully, it’s scheming, and my sense is that Harry is doing something negative, annoying, that will make you feel like A loser. So I totally broke up with him. He has a mental health problem and needs someone to support him. Everyone who will go with him on these errands, but she stays away. So he does all the bad things, and she moves on. And I think this is the beginning of the end for him because Megan is planning something what “.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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