Sienna Miller will soon hold her second child in her arms.
The popular actress was photographed for Vogue and revealed in the magazine that she is expecting a girl with her 14-year-younger partner, Olly Green. Sienna Miller, 41, who celebrates her birthday on December 28, is feeling great about becoming a mother for the second time.
Sienna Miller was photographed by Annie Leibovitz and on the cover of the November issue of Vogue, she is seen wearing a top and bikini bottoms on the beach on Long Island.
The artist spoke frankly about her second pregnancy, pointing out that it was something that entered her life without planning. She added that she feels more psychologically prepared compared to her first birth. “I was very lucky. I wasn’t necessarily trying to get pregnant. It was a surprise, and biologically this was something I was able to do.”
“There was nothing but love and joy,” Sienna Miller said of her relationship with actor Ollie Green. She even revealed that Marlo’s 11-year-old daughter, who she has from her relationship with actor Tom Sturridge, is excited to have a sister.
The actress has been thinking about giving birth to another child for a long time. “I felt so bad that Marlowe didn’t have a little brother. So I tried to bridge that gap,” he noted in the magazine.
“I think people are comfortable with a lifestyle that has been around for many years, which is very misogynistic and patriarchal,” Sienna Miller stressed. “Irresponsible and there are double standards.”
Sienna Miller’s pregnancy became known when she was on summer vacation in Ibiza. Paparazzi captured her with a swollen belly next to her partner. Without showing any annoyance at her photos, she commented: “It was the last day of my vacation and the last shower of the summer.”
She emphasized in her interview: “I think you either live your life carefully or take risks.” In a video clip filmed for Vogue magazine, Sienna Miller revealed that in the first months of her pregnancy she preferred to wear her partner’s baggy jeans instead of maternity clothes. The actress indicated that her second pregnancy was easier than the first. In fact, she said, she approaches it with more generosity, noting, “I don’t think I’ll put as much pressure on myself as I did with my first pregnancy.”
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