March 15, 2025

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Special Court – Dombras: A channel will be set up by Kalokritsas for the children of Syriza by order of Maximos.

Special Court – Dombras: A channel will be set up by Kalokritsas for the children of Syriza by order of Maximos.

During today’s hearing in the Special Court In charge of Ministers Where does the investigation take place? Television licences In 2016, key witness Kyriakos Tombras pointed out.This channel will be set up by Kalokritsas on behalf of the “children” of Syriza, at the behest and recommendation of Maximos.“, pointing out that the businessman was intimidated during the interrogation phase at the Areopagus.

Notably, the second day of hearings at the Special Court of Ministerial Responsibility for the 2016 TV license competition case began not in the presence of former state minister Nikos Pappas, but instead in the presence of businessman Christos Kalokritsa.

At the beginning of the trial, Mr. Yiannis Mantzouranis, one of Papa’s lawyers, told court members that his principal “He denies the allegation” and added: “The truth is proved and we look forward to your fair judgment at the end».

After that, Mr. One of Kalokritsa’s lawyers, Andreas Lovertos, read his client’s statement before the court, in which Mr. Pappas’ non-appearance in the special court was underlined: “They deliberately did not sit on the defendant’s bench. The Attempt to reduce practical value My testimony is clear. I have come to your court to tell the truth. Having come this far, I have to prove the whole truth with the evidence I have».

The entrepreneur’s full statement follows:

«The people in charge of the case before you have allowed me to get away with economic ruin and lies, falsehoods and baseless slanders. Unfortunately, none of the criminals and moral culpers who committed the crimes against me found the courage they should have to deny what was said against me. The worst thing they experienced was destroying the health of my family members.

While these were going on, I was running into doctors, hospitals, and lawyers, and I chose to remain emotionally silent. My peaceful approach is politics and politics only. Those who know the moral code of the left and my character will understand.

I spoke only before the Greek justice. Then when? It was only when the masterminds of this tragic case (Samar Khouri et al) tried to deceive her, to turn a fraudulent, deliberately false and perforated jury verdict into a Greek court verdict, misleading the Greek judge and, most importantly, underestimating the Greek judiciary. .

Today we are here. The same people I mentioned fought to make me a defendant. They also deliberately did not sit on the accused’s bench. The attempt to diminish the practical value of my testimony is obvious. I have come to your court to tell the truth. Having come this far, I have to prove the whole truth with the evidence I have. The truth will pass your court. The truth and only the truth».

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The first witness testified Economist Kyriakos TombrasDescribing the methodology and procedure followed in the summer of 2016, Mr. To issue a letter of guarantee of 3 million Euros in order to participate in the competition for Kalokritsas television licenses.

Mr. Tombras clarified.

During his testimony, the witness said, among other things, that because the Gauri had withdrawn, they understood that the then government did not support Kalogritsa. Man and his children were destroyed. And Mr. Dombras continued:

«Kalokritsas later met with the other canal leaders, Kantominas and Marinakis, but the appointments did not bear fruit. Kalokritsas appeared as the head of the then government and asked to keep 51% of the channel, which the channel managers could not accept.

You remember Menagaki’s show with the condominas who came out and denounced him. The project was later shelved. And then it was over. The tender was canceled by the SC.

3 million between Kalogritsa and Huri, the Papa-Huri Invisible Company, with Kalogritsa as its representative.

After the match was cancelled, the 3 million was returned to Kalogrytsa, and I went to get the money. The Gauris have no right to that 3 million. Kalogritsas told me, I can’t give you anything, I spent it on the document. Then the Gauris started asking for the money back».

According to the witness, Mr. will be erected by the Kalokritsas.of children“At the behest and advice of SYRIZA, Maximos, the businessman was listed in SYRIZA and said to be moral, he did not go as a business vision to create a channel. As Mr. Dombras explained, when the businessman said “”children”, one of them was Pappas”. Mr. Dombras According to, “Mr. Kalokritsa’s aim was not to create a channel, thereby becoming Syriza’s biggest contractor, Pompolas.».

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«The government was scared at the time, it trembled after the media noise about TV licences, which the government wanted but couldn’t, they were completely incompetent.Mr. Tombras pointed out, adding that the government of the day “let the dogs eat Kalokritsa, as I told my wife.”

In another part of his testimony, Mr. Dombras testified that Mr. Kalokritzas was intimidated during the trial phase here (Areio Pago). And because his son would be accused, the businessman was threatened (asking S.S.) to stop the accusation against Samar Gowri. According to the witness, Mr. Kalokritsas told him about the intimidation at the latter’s home in the presence of his wife and son, at which time Ioannis-Vladimiros Kalokritsas suffered a stroke and was rushed to the Metropolitan Hospital.

At the end of his testimony the witness, Mr. After describing Kalokritsa as a “victim”, he pointed out that the story had affected the health of his family members, particularly his son Ioannis-Vladimiros.

Investigation continues MTomorrow is Friday, December 2, 2022Mr. With Dombra’s Testimony.

Syriza and N. Positions of Pappas

The positions of both the main opposition party and accused former state minister Nikos Pappas were based on the content of today’s testimony by witness Kyriakos Tombras, following the conclusion of today’s hearing by the Special Task Force on Ministerial Responsibility, which is being investigated by SYRIZA over the TV license case.

In particular, Syriza and Mr. According to Pappas:

  • Ø “The mediator of the CCC – Kalokritsa, Kyriakos Dombras, demolished – again, as he did in the pre-trial panel – the story of the Mitsotakis government.

    Ø He declared that “Nicos Papa did not dereliction of duty.” No private contract was involved between the two parties that he was aware of.

    Ø “I neither heard nor saw Papa”, he said. Another point to point out: “Kaloritsas did not tell me ‘Papas’ about the deal”.

    Ø As Kyriakos Tombras testified:

    Ø He undertook on behalf of the Koori to explore the possibility of their cooperation with some of the canal chiefs. “I was Gouri’s partner. He hired me to find him a channel. I went and found Kouris, Vryonis, Kalokritsa,” he insisted.

    Ø He found 3 million euros for the letter of guarantee, which – according to him – was duly delivered.

    Ø He was associated with Chr. For finding the amount needed for the first installment, Kalokritsa, he still wonders: “Couldn’t the government have found 17 million for him?”

    Ø Despite his close, continuous and time-consuming collaboration and communication with the CCC and Kalokritsa, he did not see the participation of N. Pappas in the consultations between the two organizations. In fact, he admitted to complying with the terms of the competition.

    Ø The Kalogritsa family set up a company with a contribution of 8.5 million euros to participate in the tournament, eliminating the “front” issue.

    Ø Mr. Kalokritsas agreed to owe him 300 thousand euros (salary), although he refused to pay it.

    Ø Reinforcing his role as a mediator, he said: “If they were in touch, why did they involve me? Will you give me the lump sum? There’s no point in calling me.”

    Ø The signature agreement signed between Gouri and Kalokritsa two years after the tender was also submitted by Mr. Tombras noted. A document that shows a discussion – without third party intervention – to resolve the issue of a private dispute between two parties.

    Ø Govt of N.D. And Mr. Mitsotakis himself was irrevocably exposed.”

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