We also noticed this on our trip to Gamescom 2023 that Stalker 2: Shadow of Chernobyl It just seemed less impressive and problematic in several key respects. From frequent bugs, technical glitches in the visual area like pop-ups to messy AI, as we mentioned in our preview video.
Of course, these complaints were more general, made by the whole world and private media that promoted them in the context of the exhibition in Cologne, and took their concerns to social media. GSC Game World, the creators of the game, wanted to respond to what has been said in recent weeks and they did so to the end IGN.
specially, Maxim Yanshi, Lead Xbox programmer and Zakhar Bocharov, The Ukrainian team’s PR director gave his own response to the alleged “downgrading” of graphics at the infamous Gamescom presentation. “We decided not to take a marketing approach like showing something “polished” and very beautiful in the safe sense, but to take a pro-player approach so that you can play despite its flaws. Of course, there are some risks involved because the polishing of the title has been ongoing all this time. But this is how we decided to approach it and give players a chance to play it.Bocharov said.
Bocharov also said that GSC has watched people’s reactions to the latest trailer for STALKER 2 and expressed that there is still a lot of work to be done to improve things. As he characteristically said:
“When you’re constantly releasing marketing materials, trailers, etc., it’s as if someone is constantly saying it’s been downgraded. You can always see someone who’s not satisfied with what they see. I think this downgrade is a result of the game being in development first and foremost.” something. And it can change. In some aspects, the demo we showed looks better than the trailer we released. Design has clearly been a priority for the people who play here (at gamescom). And we also wanted them to get a taste of what’s in the demo because we don’t share it publicly. So it’s like the demo, the trailer itself.”
He then touched on the game’s graphics, specifically pointing to the Unreal Engine 5 that GSC is using for the first time, saying that they are still discovering aspects and techniques of the powerful graphics engine, such as the impressively realistic Lumen Global Illumination system.
“It needs more modification. The engine is constantly updated. Then there are some aspects that look a little worse than they were in terms of lighting. I think a lot of people refer to the scene with the dog. Some things may look run down at the moment but that’s likely because development is still ongoing. We’ll get to the point.Bocharov said characteristically. He also gave an optimistic side that the Ukrainian team wants to reach the level of graphics of the 2021 gameplay trailer.
“Some things look exactly the same as they did when we showed the demo of the game. So I think what we’re aiming for — despite the ups and downs — is that our goal, in terms of the overall level of STALKER 2’s graphics, is to get to the gameplay video that we released in 2021.” That’s our goal in terms of graphics, and we’re getting there, and we see that we’re getting there, but there may be some bumps along the way.
the Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl It is expected now During the first quarter of 2024 For PC and Xbox Series
Remember below the first trailer for STALKER 2 that stunned us with its graphics, in 2021.
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