It was late, but SKAI made up for it with a new trailer Survivor 2024 For 6/5. And less than a minute into the hour, it became clear that Monday’s episode would have it all. Conflict, tension and a lot of emotion in the island council.
After a serious head injury, Anastasia Tsiro was taken to the hospital during the first immunity match. She was found in the ambulance accompanied by Stavroula Cresaidi. There it is proven that the Blue Team player will fully recover, but in order to do so, treatments are needed that will not allow her to continue her participation in the survival program. As announced by Giorgos Lianos, he will remain in the production hotel until his return to Greece.
Survivor 2024 spoilers 6/5: Great Exit Test – 2nd Immunity and 2nd Contender
As the match continued, the red team won the first immunity, and Stavroula Cresaidi was the first candidate to leave after consulting with her team. But there was a lot of tension towards Asimena, after she left the match when Caterina Dalacca shouted at her and did not return. The Blues considered this a plot on their part so that their team would not lose due to their poor performance, as they lost 3 points. She said she was in the doctor’s tent because her stomach was hurting while afterwards stating that she was upset about her involvement and disappointed.
And this is exactly what the players of the Blue Team answer in the new episode, as they ask her to finally clarify whether she wants to stay or leave Survivor 2024. But according to the first spoiler that talks about the Blue Team winning the second Immunity, Asimena is seriously playing for the second exit candidate. Besides being informed of the information… While they are at the council, there is a surprise waiting for them all. Anastasia is shown wearing the special brace around her neck to bid them farewell. He says with emotional tears that he doesn’t want to leave the game like this…
Watch the Survivor 2024 trailer for 6/5:
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