The Reds managed to go 3-1 in week 12 immunities Survivor 2024 And put the Blues in a dilemma over which one to choose Chryssa Chatzigeorgiou or Stavroula Chrysaeidi They'll throw in tacos. Finally with a score of 7-3 the Blues decided to send Queen Krysa to the duel to demand her stay in Survival reality show From SKAI with teammates Anastasia Tserou, Eugenia Borla and “Red” Aira Antomaitite.
In Tuesday's episode (3/26), the third candidate to leave, Anastasia Tsero, who felt 100% alienated to find herself in a taco, explained the reasons that made her find herself in this situation.
“At yesterday's council, after consultation with the team, between myself, Stavroula and Krissa, we decided that I should be voted out. “I think it was also the most 'fair' at this particular stage because Krissa has an injury so I think she can't defend herself 100 % while not even participating in the competition. For Stavroula, we and the doctor decided, both as a team, to protect her by implementing a penalty kick to improve her knee as quickly as possible. “I have some injuries, but at this stage I'm the only one competing, so I would consider it unfair for one of the other girls to come forward as a candidate,” Anastasia said.
“The Reds were upset not to vote for Krissa, however, if Krissa was voted out, they would still be upset because he's injured. I personally voted for Anastasia and the reason is because I saw Krissa straining a lot and I don't think she's exaggerating the pain. I've seen her really hurt, so it would be wrong For me to vote for her, I also consider her my friend and she cannot give 100% of herself,” James Kaftzis confirmed afterwards.
“So Stavrula and Anastasia remained the only options. Stavrula is very close to me, and I am also very close to her, so I could not nominate her and I chose Anastasia,” added the Blue Team player, justifying the result of the last vote in the island council.
Christoforos expressed his opinion about Chrysa's injury from the Blue Survivor team, as her teammates protected her and did not vote for her as a candidate to leave. However, he said that this was a group strategy created in the opposing team, while stressing that if someone else had been in her place, she would not have received the same treatment.
“The central group from the first moment is Vaness, James, Stavroula and the rest of the people who really want to be in this group. When you have people with power, you want to be in that group too, to be protected.”
Giorgos Papacharalambos was mentioned in the comment made in the council comparing the blue vote to a game of chess in which officers are sacrificed to save the queen. The red player believed that the Blues tried to protect the gold and continued his argument this time with the animal kingdom and gave the example of bees and drones which the queen eventually kills.
The two teams met after a tough night with heavy rain to play in the Caribbean Games with a cupcake prize.
The answer that stole the spotlight was the answer given by Asimina Hatziandou when Giorgos Lianos asked her, “How long did the shortest marriage in history last?”
“Sit down and let me think of Christos (SS Dante) marriages to tell you,” shouted the Red Team player, sparking laughter from all the other players and of course the Survivor presenter himself.
“Yes, he is not at all uncomfortable at the moment. Ah, our kisses! And a crazy night… Come on, keep it up,” Giorgos Lianos answered directly with good humor.
The Blues emerged as 7-4 winners of the Caribbean matches, with James Cavitsis giving the last correct answer and giving his side something beautiful.
But on the battlefield, things turned out differently for the Blues. The Reds took a 3-0 lead.
The Blues managed to equalize first at 4-4 and then at 5-5 before the Reds broke away again.
Gulekas made it 6-5, Giannis 7-5, Ira 8-5 and Alexis 9-5 before Daniel temporarily reduced them to 9-6.
But this was unable to prevent defeat for the Blues as Alexis Papa scored 10 points for the Reds against Stamatis Taldianos.
Now the Blues had to choose between Chrysa or Stavroula as the two injury-plagued girls asked their teammates to vote them out.
At the island council, George Papacharalambous predicted that the queen would be deposed and the soldiers would take the group into their own hands with Chryssa responding with a smile.
In the end, Giorgos fell within his expectations with Chryssa Hatzigeorgiou coming out on top 7-3 and completing the list of favorites for Thursday night's duel.
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