All-Star Survivor: Sakis Katsoulis revealed in an interview how he used the money he earned during the match.
the Sakis Katsoulis It emerged as a big winner survivor all star, Winning the financial prize 100,000 euros. The young businessman revealed in an interview with Sasha Stamatis and revealed the secret accessory how he will use the money he earned during the game.
How does it feel to be the biggest winner on “Survivor All Star”?
I feel so happy, complete, and proud that the love of the world has made me the first Greek “All-Star Survivor.” What I could do on the battlefields to the end, but the world is always the final judge, and if the world does not support and love me, I will never succeed in achieving my dream.
It should be noted that you won for the second time in the reality show …
It is certainly very honorable to win once. However, the second time around comes to confirm that the people who supported me the first time continued to see the same Sakis, the person they loved, and supported him in achieving his dream of winning a “Survivor All Star”.
Where do you dedicate your victory?
This victory is dedicated to my family, to Marialina, to my friends, who are the family I have chosen, and also to this whole world, which has embraced me for three years, giving me the strength to go on and make my dreams come true. .
Have you thought about what you would do with the money?
What is certain is that I will continue to make some investment moves, to help my existing business, as well as some actions, which I do not want to mention and prefer only those I do to know.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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