Survivor All-StarGiorgos Lianos announced in the Island Council the decision to produce Ilias Goutsis and Eurykas Pelides, who were expelled for violating the rules of the game.
The expected announcement of expelling players from Survivor All-Star an act George Llanos in the Monday episode. Survival reality show host at Island CouncilTalk to the players about the production decision. As he explained, breaking the rules also created inequalities on the battlefields, which led to players appearing, Elias Gotsis And Eurekas Peledis, To take the way back to Greece.
«I came to an uncomfortable situation for me personally, to discuss the obvious with you. I imagine you, like me, hold the concept of justice high in your moral values. the survivor It’s fair game. You all want victory. This can happen under adverse circumstances, both for your soul and for your body. Without loved ones, without food. You are competing for a prize to call, to see your loved ones. Give her a little to feel closer to home. You also compete, with whatever strength you have left, for food prizesGiorgos Lianos said at the beginning and added:
«What is the value of a victory if conditions are not equal for all players. Imagine playing cards, with a distinct deck. How fair is a sprint where an athlete is drugged? Then the joy of victory loses its value. I made the introduction so you can understand what happened».
Then he said:The two players, Ilias Goutsis and Eurykas Pelides, broke the ground rules for Survivor. Each case is unique. Eurekas broke the contact rule. He was in contact with Greece. We found the cell phone and found the calling number. Ilias Gotsis has, consistently and methodically, found a way in consultation with locals to dine at Survivor. And for this case there are specific proofs».
«With this data in hand, we examined the items one by one and came to this decision. The production decision is to exclude Eurikas Pelides and Ilias Goutsis from Survivor All StarGiorgos Lianos said, causing ‘numbness’ to the rest of the players.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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