September 8, 2024

Valley Post

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Survivor spoiler departure 5/28: The wrestler and candidate is one of Galazzi’s favorites!

Survivor spoiler departure 5/28: The wrestler and candidate is one of Galazzi’s favorites!

The third and final immunity will come with one of the names that may have a place in Galazzi’s candidate.

Survivor spoiler departure 5/28: Great interest in Third nomination on Survivor. Because one of Galazzi’s favorites will find himself in gladiator mode in the game of survival sky.

who will be? Celebrities or fighters?

Days are not always easy for Survivor spoiler. So far we have no news about what will happen in the island council. Not even for immunity. Because if we know which team wins immunity, we will also know the candidate. In other words, the process will be automated! barely…

the Vanessa Politsis Outside the battlefield. be seen here When will he return to work again? Therefore, we only have a lead to win the third immunity.

As for the nominations options now… let’s not forget that Dora Nikolis and Giorgos Papacharalambos are already nominated to leave. We are waiting to see which one of them will lose in the duel.

Exit spoiler Survivor 5/28: One of the favorites?

Since the day Stavroula left Cresaidi, there have been four definite favorites to go to Galatsi. Logically, Survivor 2024 will also have 4 teams in the semi-finals and final.

Katerina Dalaka and Giorgos Gulikas from the Reds. Vaness Poulitsis and Daniel Norka of the blues.

If the Reds lose, Giorgos Goulikas will be a candidate. If the Blues lose Daniel Norka.

Because Christoforos and Stamatis are already in the tacos…

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