March 16, 2025

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Syriza’s deep existential crisis

Syriza’s deep existential crisis

It has succeeded twenty full days from The final breakdown to Syriza electoral percentages in elections And We didn’t hear a word around Essential questions with existential character. What is responsible for the huge losses in 2019 and 2023? in which social groups addresses? anyone economic model Eligible?

However, the party that lost in the opposition 13.70%, that is, 43.45% of its strength, instead of showing reactions, tried, even in the second year, to give some answers, but it discussed the measures exclusively for twenty days.

until the Central Committee who meets today and tomorrow, will address the road map and the leadership process, which is heard the candidates will also be Nikos Pappas And Pavlos PolakisAnd not with the big questions that have intrinsic and existential value for their perpetuation Syriza.

They almost gave it up 850 thousand citizens Regarding 2019 and the executives on the committees are saying pretty much the same thing they did before the election, some in a more aggregate fashion. Nor have we been the wiser about his agenda Data in ParliamentNor who Announcements of the first candidates for the presidential nomination. the Mrs. Effie Atcioglu He made a vague statement where in the dilemma either towards the center or towards the left he “made it clear” that he was right! It says absolutely nothing ideologically, politically and programmatically.

On the other hand, said Mr. Euclid Tsakalotos He claimed yesterday that after such a great defeat, there is a need for reflection and he spoke of the need for “continuity and intersection.” For those who remember the earlier left-space operations, it reminded us of the ‘intersection within the continuum’ and the need for a ‘qualitative inflection’ through which K Until the breakup in 1991. However, other results are also valuable. E said. Tsakalotos: “We may not have noticed the psychology of the citizens who want to settle down.” maybe;

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While he insisted that “Syriza must remain part of the left”, we “want to appeal to many people. We have to explain our values, our positions and our proposals.” That is, the positions and proposals of a party that lost twenty points in two recent re-elections were and still are correct, and the only problem is that they are not explained in sufficient detail to the community?

Both candidates are clearly walking under the illusion that by doing ideological and political stunts, not articulating divergent political rhetoric, and not sending a clear new message, SYRIZA can stand up or even come back. Essentially, what is happening and what is being discussed these days in Syriza is evidence of the growing detachment that separates it from New social and political reality. existential Identity crisis which passes as space. Like pictures from Monty Pythons’ unforgettable film “A Prophet, but What a Prophet”, where a sect, through disputes, discusses when the revolution will begin, when the rebellion abroad has not only begun, but has already been suppressed.

In other words, it continues, as it did in 2019, not to understand and interpret reality, to not be able to move forward in a deep re-creation, and to continue the same thing. Alexis Tsipras f Syriza They couldn’t make changes, even when opinion polls for four years showed only 13%-15% agreeing with the opposition line.

The feeling so far is that both presidential candidates so far – who lack the authority of Tsipras – continue to believe that with changes in style, perhaps even in faces, they can restart the party. They will quickly realize that they are deceiving themselves.

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SYRIZA must collectively answer what is to blame for the heavy defeats in 2019 and 2023. Show signs that she understands and corrects her mistakes. Send a new message and reformulate its basic political and programmatic positions. To this day it seems he can’t.

Its presidential candidates position themselves almost apolitically in the face of challenges, afraid to raise even the most obvious questions. Against them, Syriza’s forces beat them, baptizing Ahccioglu, on the one hand, “the child of the plot” or “the new Damanaki of the 3%”, on the other hand, Jackal “tax collector”. In Parliament, a. famous SocratesHe began his speech by defending … the 2015 referendum. You can hardly call them examples of a concerted effort to rebuild a party. the Syriza He will have difficulty. As long as he closed his eyes to the scale of the crisis, it would only get tougher.

* Zacharias Zubis is the poll’s research director