The Panathinaikos Circus masks have fallen! The “false leader” of this year’s tournament, received a resounding “slap” from Aris in Thessaloniki, and is at the same time in first and fourth places in the Premier League standings.
More specifically, it is the first because with its victory on paper against Olympiacos, it seems that it has 28 points and Thrylos is at -1.
On the other hand, the rating without the Juancar fireworks stage is the real thing:
Olympiacos 28 (11 matches)
AEC 27 (12 matches)
PAOK 26 (12 matches)
Panathinaikos 25 (11 matches)
There is a good reason why they established and stole Olympiacos with this famous derby story for the ages, as if justice prevailed, Threlos would have been +4 from AEK, +5 from PAOK, +6 from Panathinaikos and would lay a strong foundation. Basis for 48the.
To analyze it further, therefore, by removing the “stolen” PAO points, thanks to the scandalous decision to add the four stolen points to the myth, in the “eternal” derby alone, order is restored… and reality.
Reality is not like…Lucescu. “For me” and such…no. ordinary. Which all Greece saw and knows. That in both the derby and the other, there was a clear and obvious change in the result and the points stolen from Olympiacos…
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