A comedy series based in Manhattan 6 young friendsYou struggle to find success and happiness in life, but it’s not that simple, is it? We all know them, we all somehow have some extra sympathy for one of them heroes.
Rachel GreenAnd the A famous student of the past, she is now a pampered/well-behaved girl who lives on her father’s finances. In an attempt to start a new life after leaving her marriage, she shares an apartment with her old friend, Monica Geller, and eventually befriends the other four and Monica’s older brother Ross.
Monica Geller, a compulsive cleaning freak, likable, has issues with her love life. Monica was ridiculed when she was in high school for being overweight. However, now that she’s an executive chef at one of Manhattan’s top restaurants, she’s lost all her extra pounds and all she wants is to start a family with the “right man” to complete an everlasting happiness.
Ross Geller, Monica’s older brother has always had strong romantic feelings towards Rachel. A successful science teacher leads to him being repeatedly teased by the other five friends about his profession. Ross has experienced many misfortunes in his life, including three divorces and raising a child with his lesbian ex-wife. Ross is now devoted to finding a girl to settle down with, without a divorce, and makes it his personal goal to share happiness with Rachel.
Buffet vibe. She was raised as an orphan and is a hippie “elsewhere” but lovable who became a personal masseuse. Although she loves her profession, her dream is to become a star in the music industry and to base her songs on her life experiences. The other five friends secretly believe that Phoebe will never succeed, but they still encourage her to write. Phoebe is often seen at Central Perk Cafe and is a strong believer in herself.
Chandler Page. A careless professional man, no one could describe his job, who relies on humor as a defense mechanism. Despite being rich, the other five have no idea what his profession is, and a thin and average-looking cigarette junkie Chandler has never been in a serious relationship. Will he ever get it, and is it right under his nose?
Joey Tribbiani. Although he is close to all of his friends, he is especially open with Chandler, who is also his roommate. Joey is a young actor, desperate for fame and fortune, and Chandler has high hopes for Joey, so he helps Joey with money for acting lessons and professional photos. Despite being a relatively bad actor, Joey is a likable, sensitive man who is very successful with the ladies.
Based on these six characters and with many important satellites, one of the most influential series of all time was created, which even many years after its conclusion (1994-2004) went on writing history through audience stories. How many times have we not in company heard “Like friends….” or how many times haven’t we all sung the famous Phoebe hymn Smelly Cat?
In the video below, there is the first scene with the actors’ lines as well as the last scene. beginning and end. Everything in between is a serious part of pop culture.
Scene 1 / YouTube
The last scene / YouTube
Monica, the first and last scene
the first scene
The first scene of Friends shows Monica talking with her friends in the Central Perk cafeteria. Her first line, also the first in the series, is “There’s nothing to be said! He’s just a guy I work with,” referring to her date later that evening.
last scene
Monica and the core group of friends all say their last lines in Monica’s empty apartment in the series finale. The group remembers and says goodbye as Monica and Chandler move out of town to a home with their adopted twin children.
When Rachel asked the couple if they had time to go home, Monica replied with her last line: “We have a little time.”
Joy, the first and last scene
the first scene
Joey teases Monica in his first line saying the second line of the series when he teases Monica about her date. He says “Come now! You are going to date the guy. There is something wrong with him.”
last scene
While everyone is standing in Monica’s apartment, they put their keys on her front table to get back to the apartment manager. Joey’s last sentence is “Yeah. Maybe” in response to Phoebe saying “Maybe it was so”
Chandler, the first and last scenes
the first scene
Chandler joins Joey in making fun of Monica. Chandler (Matthew Perry) and Joey have one of the strongest friendships on the team and are easily provoked from the very first scene. Chandler adds to Joey’s sarcastic comments about Monica’s date in his opening line: “So, does she have a hump? The hunchback and the hairdresser?”
last scene
After I asked Rachel if they had time to do anything and suggested they go for coffee, Chandler made a final sarcastic comment in his last line: “Sure. Where;”.
Phoebe, first and last scene
the first scene
Phoebe’s first line introduces her quirky personality. Phoebe joins others’ questions about when Monica will be in the pilot. Her first line is, “Wait, does she eat chalk? Just because I don’t want her to go through what I went through with Carl.”
last scene
Phoebe says her last line at Monica’s apartment, where she lived before the start of season one. After everyone hands over the keys to their apartment, Phoebe says, “So, I guess that was it.”
Ross, first and last scene
the first scene
Ross’ opening line changes the tone of everyone’s conversation in the pilot. When he appears in the first scene, he is in a rather gloomy mood. He passes his friends in Central Perk and says “hello” before explaining that he’s still unhappy that his wife Carol left him for a woman named Susan.
Just before Ross’ last talk, Monica reveals a secret about him. After Phoebe commented that they lived in Monica’s apartment at one point, Ross said they didn’t. Monica corrects him by reminding him that he spent a summer living there with their grandmother while trying to make her a dancer.
last scene
In Ross’ last sentence, he said, “Do you realize that almost 10 years have gone by without him knowing this?”
Rachel, first and last scene
the first scene
Rachel arrives in Central Burke in a wedding dress, having just driven her fiancé Barry to church. Her first line is: “Oh my God, Monica, hey! Thank God. I just went to your apartment and she wasn’t there.” Then he continues to introduce himself to the rest of the group.
last scene
During the last scene of the series, Rachel struggles to contain herself. She often puts her head behind her hair and leans over to Ross to hide her tears, but she’s clearly crying when she says her last line: “Okay, let’s drink coffee?”
Watch the first and last scene of Friends
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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