It took nearly three years of work, but the edgeNetflix premiere – future of – It finally arrives on June 21, with the second set of episodes appearing on June 28.
future of An ambitious look at how everything around us has changed over time, narrated by Gurney Smollett. It is really a show about everythingOur episodes focus on topics from cheese and dogs to skyscrapers and life after death. We have done our best to envision how these things might change in our lives, in the near future, then the far future we can imagine. And we’ve done this by talking to the people who are working on these ideas now – and a few edge Reporters along the way. Think of it as a documentary of the future.
We wanted predictions in future of to be exciting. We wanted them to be a little weird. We even wanted some of them to be a little scary. (One of my rules of the show was that we shouldn’t expect a global watchdog show, which is understandable Much From other ideas it seems to depend on.) But the point is to remember that none of this is foolproof.
One of our main ideas in the edge is that science and technology are not just things is happening. People work hard to invent things, people use those inventions in amazing ways, and a new world is constantly in focus as this cycle repeats endlessly. So, more than anything else, we wanted to make a show that makes people feel that an exciting and hopeful future is possible – if We put our minds to it.
We’ve had some great partners on making this show: Rose Eveleth and her team at Flash Forward came in as story producers, helping us build a vision for the future rooted in reality at once and absolutely brilliant, and Josh Barry and his team at 21 Laps Entertainment (the production company behind Little Show). it’s called Weird thingsShe helped us make those wonderful visions of the future exciting and accessible to all. And of course the teams at Vox Media Studios and The Verge who worked on the show pushed it to be great at every turn.
future of It will premiere on Netflix in two installments of six episodes. The first six, on June 21, will be about future from:
- dog
- Acquaintance
- house plants
- the games
- space vacations
- Cheeseburger
And the second group, on June 28, will be about to future from:
- the death
- fashion
- skyscrapers
- Sports
- health
- headphones
future of It’s one of the most exciting projects we’ve ever done the edge. We can’t wait for all of you to see it.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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