second of two consecutive giants“It will glow brightly in the night sky this week, like Full Moon Pak in July 2022 It rises and gives skywatchers a special summer treat.
Here are some things to know about July full moonwhen to see it and why is it unique among this year’s moons.
What day will the July full moon be?
The The first full moon of summer (The June moon became full a week before Summer Solstice) officially at 2:37 PM ET on Wednesday, July 13 Bigger and brighter When it rises above the horizon on Wednesday night.
If that’s not a good option for you, keep in mind that the moon will look like 98% full Tuesday nightJuly 12, and has 99% illumination on Thursday, July 14.
The July supermoon will begin to rise in the southeast skies over Newark and New York City at 9pm on Wednesday, and set in around 6:10am on Thursday, according to the British newspaper, The Guardian. TimeAndDate.com. The near-full moon will rise again at 9:48 p.m. Thursday and set at 7:32 a.m. Friday.
For the times of moonrise and sunset in your city or town, Check this schedule.
The full moon on July 13, 2022 will be a “giant moon” due to its proximity to Earth. The image here is of last month’s “strawberry giant moon” as it rose in front of the Statue of Liberty in New York City. Experts say that this week’s supermoon will be the biggest and brightest moon of the year.
Astronomy enthusiasts consider a giant moon a full moon when it is elliptical orbit Closer to Earth than the average full moon. As a result, it can appear a little larger and up to 30% brighter than usual – especially when it starts rising above the horizon or if weather conditions are ideal.
Many astronomy enthusiasts, including in Sky & Telescope MagazineI think a supermoon is a full moon that tracks less than 223,000 miles from Earth at the closest point in its orbit, known as perigee. TimeAndDate.comwho writes a lot about big sky events, uses 223,694 miles (360,000 km) as the standard for supermoons.
Because different experts use different distances, some classify more moons as giant moons and others classify less. In 2022, it seems that more experts agree on July full moon He will be the second of only two giants this year (June was the other).
But some consider the May full moon to be the supermoon and others place the August moon in the same classification, bringing the annual total to four.
Regardless of the number, based on its distance from Earth by the time it becomes a full moon, the July 13 moon will be the closest of the year — at 222,089 miles — making it the largest and brightest full moon in 2022.
The full moon of July, known as a “buck moon,” will glow in the night sky this week. The moon will reach its fullest phase on Wednesday, July 13, 2022.Neil Herbert | National Park Service
The Algonquin Native American tribes in the eastern region of the United States called this full moon “Pak Moon,” according to NASA and the Old Farmer’s Almanac, because this time of year is when new male deer antlers appear. In full growth stage.
The Old Farmer’s Almanac and its competing version, the Farmers’ Almanac, says the July moon is also called a “thunder moon,” due to the frequency of thunderstorms that struck during this hot summer month. It has also been called the “straw moon”.
Other Native American tribes called this moon the following, directly translated into English:
- “The Ripe Corn Moon” – the Cherokee
- “Midsummer Moon” – Bunka tribe
- “The moon when the fruits cut the limbs of the trees” – Zuni tribe
After the “super moon” on July 13, the next full moon of 2022 will illuminate the night sky on August 11.Lyn Melesurgo | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com
After the July full moon ends its lunar cycle, the next full moon will glow in the sky on Thursday, August 11. The so-called “sturgeon moon” will officially turn into full moon on that day at 9:35 PM.
Don’t forget to look out for the Perseids – known for having one of the best meteor showers of the year. This shower will start with scattered stars on July 14, but it won’t peak until the second week of August, according to American Meteor Society.
The Perseids are expected this summer Most active on the night of August 11 In the early hours of the morning of August 12. However, the timing will be bad for sky watchers, because the moon will be 100% full.
The American Meteorological Society says that people in dark, rural areas, far from the glare of city lights, can usually see up to 60 to 75 meteors per hour during the peak period. But it is likely that the brightness of the August full moon will reduce the visibility of falling stars, especially fainter stars.
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Len Melisurgo can be reached in LMelisurgo@njadvancemedia.com.
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