However, international media are still processing his recent visit to the UK. The black sheep of the royal family did not meet him King Charlesas the monarch cited a busy agenda.
As if that was not enough, an article in the Sunday Times added fuel to the fire and their relationship. In particular, he rejected King Charles’ offer to stay at a royal residence during his visit. According to royal editor Roya Nikha, the Duke of Sussex – who returned to the UK to attend a Thanksgiving Mass at St Paul’s Cathedral to mark the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games – has chosen to stay in a hotel.
Harry looks visibly hurt by his father’s behavior. It’s not just about what happened in the past, but also about the cruel and disdainful attitude he continues to show towards his face.
Prince Harry – the final hit below the belt
Buckingham Palace announced on Tuesday that William, 41, would become Commander-in-Chief of the Army Air Forces – even though Prince Harry, 39, was himself serving with the unit in Afghanistan.
The announcement seemed aimed at causing maximum pain for Harry, on the same day he returned to London to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games.
“King Charles’ announcement… is a real kick to the son who has always felt marginalized and undervalued,” royal expert Tom Quinn told the Mirror on Saturday. He added: “It is said that she cried when she heard that.”
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