Short-term rent has also reached uncontrollable proportions in Patras, creating a “headache” for hoteliers in the city and Achaia in general.
In Patras there are hundreds of such companies that in many cases benefit from entire buildings with separate rooms that they rent through the online platforms of Airbnb.
Talk to about how far the Airbnb phenomenon has taken President of Patras Hotel Elias Mendzilopoulos: «The increase that appears in our city creates a huge problem for hotels. Admittedly, these operate without tax and regulatory obligations, We are talking about unfair and uncontrolled competition And it affects the hotel industry. It’s a story we’ve been telling for years. currently, According to the picture we have, there are about 600 such accommodations But this number is changing because they are constantly increasing».
“These are places of questionable quality. In hotels, hygiene, safety and protection measures are in place, while in Airbnb no system of control is applied. In hotels, no unpleasant surprise will await the client upon his arrivalhe adds.
On the same wavelength as mentioned on President of the Association of Hotel Owners of Achaia Dimitris Diamantopoulos: “Airbnbs are legal businesses but there has to be oversight, taxes and licensing of course because on the hotel side to open a business there are a lot of licenses, from health department, fire department etc., while nobody is on Airbnb. There is unfair competition. We are hotel owners We require that corresponding controls be put in place, In all accommodations on Airbnb as well as in hotels. Since tourists pay some money, there must be similar money for them as well License and of course the same taxes».
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