The message was “the more threatening the rhetoric from the East, the more outspoken Turkish Leadership challenges international law Greek sovereignty, The public rejection of these positions on the part of Berlin is very clear“, as well as that Germany stands in solidarity with Greece, whose ambassador it sent Germany In our country Ernst Reichel In his greeting speech at the reception given by the German Embassy in our country on the occasion of German Unity Day.
He outlined it in an era Ukrainians are fighting that they may live as a nation, “We must defend international law across Europe with greater determination than ever beforeBecause international law is the basis of peace”. Otherwise, as he explained, enforcement of the law of the militarily strong will prevail at the expense of the militarily weak.
German Ambassador during his welcome address Proposed European unity Dealing with Turkey’s threatening rhetoric against Greece, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, inflation, climate change and the pandemic, Germany and Greece said, “Even in these difficult times, they remain close friends and partners. On a very good, common path.”
In particular, regarding “Russia’s unprecedented war of conquest in Ukraine,” he expressed his particular satisfaction that the international reaction had been united and strong, but in reality Greece took such a clear and unambiguous position. “This war threatens the security not only of Ukraine, but of the whole of Europe and beyond: because if Russia actually wins the war, or appears to win, aggression elsewhere cannot be ruled out,” he said.
At this point, he focused on the contribution of Greece and Germany in providing aid to Ukraine, saying it was not negligible. “Greece to supply Ukraine with Soviet-style tanks They will be replaced by German tanksHe noted and expressed his gratitude for the “cooperation in the spirit of trust during the conclusion of this agreement”. In addition, he did not fail to mention climate change and the need to transition to a sustainable economic model. “In this field, Greece and Germany are making joint efforts within the EU. This is where the results of European unity can be seen: the EU has most of the resources to finance large investments. Behind the EU, of course, are its member states, which cooperate with each other and distribute the burden in solidarity,” he noted. .
Overall, he expressed his belief that “We will get through these turbulent times». “The crises I have listed have one thing in common: we as Europeans face them together and with a sense of solidarity, as friends in Europe, believing in and defending common values.”
Ernst Reichel noted that Germany’s national anniversary was being celebrated at “The Elenikon Experience Center” and that it represented the future of Athens. “As you all have discovered, we are not celebrating today at our usual place in Salandri. The consular residence there has now been converted into a construction site. Maybe that’s why it seems strange to you that we chose another construction site as a location.
However, this place – certainly now the center of Europe’s largest urban development project – is surrounded by the imagination of what it will look like in one, five or ten years. The space represents Athens’ plan for the future. This represents the economic growth we are experiencing and looking forward to across the country, and a new sense of self-confidence in Greece. We are happy in Germany,” he said.
He also pointed out that the fact that the German national anniversary was celebrated in Helinikon “makes me think that Germany, as the leading foreign investor and trading partner of Greece, plays a very non-negligible role in this positive development”.
In this context, he noted, the progress is seen in a period of accumulated crises and uncertainties, which makes it all the more significant.
Concluding his greeting, the German Ambassador thanked Greek-German trade and industry. It is noteworthy that Federal Lower House member Thomas Rachel followed his wife Rachel-Sakona for the German Unity Day celebration at the Elenikon Experience Center in the homonymous municipality of Attica. The celebration began with the national anthems of Greece and Germany, performed by the Children’s Choir of the Church of Agia Barbara Archipouli and the Underground Youth Orchestra.
Ministers of Health Thanos Pluris and Ministers of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Christos Stylinidis, Deputy Minister of Social Security Panos Tsakoglou, SYRIZA Foreign Minister Giorgos Katrougalos, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for International Economic Relations and External Affairs, President of GITA Yiannis Smyrlis, Konstantinos Floros and Diplomatic at the German Unity Day ceremony Heads of Representatives. Deputy Prime Minister Panagiotis Pikrammenos was eventually unable to attend the event where he was scheduled to deliver the greeting due to health reasons, as announced by the ambassador.
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