The Elomeda Faceweek She became widely known through her participation in his game star“,”cash or wasteHosted by Despina Moirarakis, however, in addition to her love of valuables and the successful “hit songs” she has achieved during her short television existence, her life appears to be more interesting than one might imagine.
The new buyer of “Cash or Trash” was found on Friday morning (25/11) in the company of “[email protected]And she talked about her involvement in the game and her husband, who revealed that he was one of its founders Google Maps.
And she confirmed that she did not regret any of the purchases she made during her participation in the game, while she did not hide that when she started she was worried, as all her teammates are collectors.
“Beyond everything else, the important thing is why I go to ‘cash or trash,’” said Elomida Viswicki at the beginning, adding: “The idea was this: Everything I buy will be back at the end of the season at a large auction. It will be made back again, and anyone who wants it will buy it because any money raised I will double it and give to charity.”
During her interview, Elomida Visviki explained why she considers things her “friends” and why it is important to give them life again, while also talking about her favorite things that she considers magic and never part with.
However, her personal life is also of particular interest, as she said, her husband its founding partner Google Maps.
“My husband and his brother built the technology that they then sold to Google and became Google Maps. He’s the most humble, down-to-earth guy ever When he made this technology, he took it to Google and developed it for seven years. It has a lot of applications, as everyone with over two billion users knows,” she said, as she shared her new professional technology venture.
Watch Elomida Visviki’s interview:
Who is Elomeda Veswicki?
With its roots in Asia Minor and Italy, Elomida Visviki has excelled internationally in the field of technology. Determined and dynamic, she is a modern woman who loves the coexistence of sophistication and tradition.
with her life partner Lars Rasmussen, the Google Maps founder, created her own experimental maps across London, Switzerland, New York, Italy, and the rest of the countries she lived in. As a citizen of the world, she rejects conformity and the mold of the traditional collector who simply “collects”.
Its attention is drawn to things that clearly bear the effort of their creator or visionary, even if they are made of the simplest materials. For the creator of Weav Music, beautiful things are friends, which need to be possessed in the company of their loved ones, in the company of the instruments and hedgehogs they adore.
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