On Friday, Russian forces launched 76 missiles at Ukrainian targets, in the largest attack since the beginning of the war. In an interview published today in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Chancellor Olaf Soules Features Features: “Because of Russia’s military failure, the risk of further escalation of the war is high. We have laid a solid foundation against nuclear escalation. […] But that did not stop Putin from continuing the war with merciless brutality, in violation of international law. Russia must realize that this cannot continue. Putin must end the war, withdraw troops and then create the possibility of mutual understanding.”
We will not allow Russia to dictate the military assistance we provide to Ukraine.A Pentagon representative explains through Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitungwhile recalling that the United States is ready to provide all material assistance to Ukraine, but not military personnel.
German media are also talking about a coordinated multi-year plan for Russia that has been implemented and is already achieving some of its goals: “The idea was not only military, but also economic and political: to weaken Ukraine and cause a wave of refugees to Europe. The main goal from a “private institution” On the one hand, he made Ukraine unattractive to the Russians, and on the other hand, he made Ukraine suffer more than Russia. So far, the goal has been achieved – millions of people have left the country. Despite the sanctions and protests since February 24, this year the recession in Ukraine is at 35%, while the recession in Russia is around 15%. The Kremlin rulers are trying to turn Ukraine into an abandoned ruin.
source: DW.com
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