Sunday 08/27/2023
the Mars Today he bids farewell to the Virgin and goes on to BalanceIt is a sign whose key elements are distance, equal balance, diplomacy, bridging, and a spirit of compromise. Unfortunately, all of this will go awry when this particular planet is in this location! Now, the margins of tolerance will be small, compromises and concessions will be non-existent, indecision will end, and any issues that arise will be dealt with somewhat hastily, causing imbalance or turmoil in our relationships and our environment. Bias and swing tilt is also something we have to worry about, because we won’t be fair and judge based on our personal “tastes”.
any Zodiac signs Are they affected today? ☼❤☼
Balance, You will be very active, and you will manage your personal affairs, but there is also the possibility that you will feel that you have kept your mouth shut for a long time and are considered soft, so it is very likely that now you will want to dispel these impressions.
Capricorn, Cancer and Aries, It begins a time when there will be turmoil in your home and work, as well as in your relationships. No one will be willing to take a step back, so it makes sense to create tensions and divisions. Damage plays…
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Whether in love or in your financial affairs, you are called to make decisions on the spot and demand what you think you deserve. But the point is that The way or size you will produce it It is very likely that it will deprive you of success.
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