On the occasion of the presentation of EuroPride Thessaloniki, Giorgos Kapotzidis explained the reasons why, according to him, Pride today should be celebrated by all our fellow human beings.
In particular, Giorgos Kapotzidis characteristically noted that “people who have no knowledge come out and speak out. They don’t even know what Pride is or how it started. In 1969 in America, people were living in fear, and gay people couldn’t come out in “The city and they were forced to go to the specific bar that was the only one they could get to and there they were still being exploited, but because it was run by the mafia, the beer cost five times more than a regular bar.”
“At some point, these people, in June 1969, decided to fight back and say, ‘No, you’re not going to arrest me and you’re not going to harass me.’ They took to the street, forced the police to lock themselves inside the bar, and we saw these people outside for six days protesting.” A year later, in June 1970, the first Pride occurred. It is, in essence, man’s revolution against what oppresses him.”
“Pride should be something we should all celebrate, and in Europe everyone celebrates it. I was in Belgium last month and there were events, concerts, straight, gay, non-binary, everyone is there. They are celebrating and rejoicing in love and solidarity as if they are acknowledging the wrongs of the past.” And they decide to correct it. This is what pride is for. It happens to us that we have gone through a difficult phase. “I don’t think a straight person can understand what an LGBTQI person goes through in his childhood, adolescence and school,” Giorgos Kapotzidis added clearly in his new interview on public television.
. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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