This is the period in which many Greek citizens live They hate When they encounter it, however They miss The next years of his life. For thousands, it is “waste of time”Others let the time pass and others enjoy it. the reason Military serviceWho is judged despite any reactions Super top Importance For the security of the country.
Until 2009, military service in Greece lasted 12 months. In 2021, it became 12 months for all branches or 9 months for border service. Despite the establishment of an alternative service for conscientious objectors, they faced objectors Prosecutions And the prisonThis is a fact for which the country was severely criticized by Amnesty International.
But what happens to compulsory military service in… The rest countries;
Military service in Türkiye
In Turkey, compulsory military service applies to all men between the ages of 20 and 41. On June 25, 2019, Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan The government signed a new law on military service, providing for the halving of military service (total duration of 6 months) and the possibility for all soldiers (unless there is a shortage) to buy out the remainder of their service after receiving basic training for one month.
In the past, most college graduates could serve 6 months instead of 12 full-time.
Refusing compulsory military service due to conscientious objection is illegal in Turkey and is punishable by imprisonment. The Military Health Regulations of the Turkish Armed Forces also list homosexuality as a disease.
These people must “prove their homosexuality,” current tests that Human Rights Watch describes as “degrading and humiliating.”
Military service in Israel
Military service is mandatory in Israel after the age of 18. In 2020, it was decided to reduce the term to 30 months for men, while women serve 24 months. The procedure has been postponed until 2024, and until then the men will serve 32 months. The law does not apply to all residents.
Arabs and religious Jews, who make up 30% of the population, are exempt from compulsory conscription. A total of 10% is also waived for various reasons. Among women, exceptions are made for those who cite religious reasons, as well as married women with children.
north korea
North Korea holds the record for longest military service. After graduating from school, all citizens of the country are required to serve in the military.
The duration of the semester for men is 10 years and for women 3-5 years, from ages 18-20 to 23 years. If someone wants to continue their studies, they can be granted a deferral.
Conscription in Russia lasts for 12 months and is mandatory for all men between the ages of 18 and 27. In recent years, there has been a trend to avoid forced conscription, due to incidents of violence in the camps and of course the wars in Syria and Ukraine. In 2015, contract soldiers made up half of the Russian force.
Compulsory military service in Iran It lasts for two years. The higher the education, the higher the rank in the army, while distinguished scientists can exchange their period of service by offering a research project.
Men when they reach the age of 18 years They must report to settle their military service, otherwise they will not be able to apply for a driver’s license, passport, or any form of work, leave the country, or obtain an academic degree.
Mandatory duration
Countries with Mandatory or possible Military service:
- Algeria: 12 months for men aged 19-30 years
- Angola: 24 months for men aged 20 to 45 years
- Argentina: Compulsory conscription has been suspended, but the government has been authorized to restore compulsory conscription if necessary.
- Armenia: 24 months for men aged 18 to 27 years
- Austria: 6-9 months for men aged 18-50 years
- Azerbaijan: 12-18 months for men aged 18-25 years
- Belarus: 12-36 months for men aged 18-27 years
- Belize: Conscription is legal, but never necessary
- Boys: 18 months is mandatory for men and women aged 18 to 35 years
- Bhutan: Training is required for men between the ages of 20 and 25, but full conscription is voluntary
- Bolivia: 12-24 months for men aged 18-22 years
- Brazil: 10-12 months for men ages 18-45, but only 5-10% actually serve
- Cambodia: 18 months for men aged 18 to 30 years
- green head: 24 months is mandatory for men and women aged 18 to 35 years
- Chad: 36 months for 20-year-old men, 12 months for 21-year-old women (women can opt for civil service)
- Chilean: Mandatory service of 12 to 22 months for men aged 18 to 45 years
- China: Recruitment of males between the ages of 18 and 22 for a period of 24 months is legal but not required at all
- Colombia: 18 months for men aged 18 to 24 years
- Congo: Compulsory conscription for citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 is legal, but unclear
- Cuba: 24 months for men aged 17 to 28 years
- Cyprus: 14 months in the National Guard for men between the ages of 18 and 50
- Denmark: 4-12 months training for men from the age of 18, who are entitled to conscription until the age of 50
- Egypt: 18-36 months plus a 9-year reserve for men aged 18-30
- El Salvador: 11-12 months is mandatory for men aged 18 years
- equator Guinea: 24 months is selectively mandatory for citizens aged 18 years
- Eritrea: 18 months for men and women aged 18 to 40 years
- Estonia: 8-11 months for men aged 18-27 years
- Ethiopia: The army has the authority to conduct compulsory conscription if necessary
- Finland: 6-12 months for 18 year old men
- agriculture: 12 months for men aged 18 to 27 years
- Hellas: 9-12 months for men aged 19-45 years
- Guatemala: 12-24 months for men aged 17-21, despite compulsory conscription. It is rarely applied
- Guinea–Bissau: 24 months is selectively mandatory for men and women aged 18 to 25 years
- Indonesia: Selective conscription for 18-24 months for males aged 18 is permitted but not currently used
- Iran: 18-24 months for 18 year old men
- Israel: 24 – 48 months (9 years for pilots) for 18 year old men and women
- Cote d’Ivoire: Selective conscription of men and women between the ages of 18 and 25 is permitted, but is not currently practiced
- Jordan: 12 months for unemployed men aged 25 to 29 years
- Kazakhstan: 12-24 months for men aged 18-27 years. It may be removed soon
- Kuwait: 12 months for men aged 18 to 35 years
- Kyrgyzstan: 9-12 months for men aged 18-27 years
- the people: 18 months for 18 year old men
- Lithuania: 9 months for men aged 19 to 26 years
- Yes: 24 months is selectively mandatory for men and women aged 18 years and older
- Mexico: 12 months for lottery picks for 18-year-old males, eligible as reserves until age 40
- Moldova: 12 months for men aged 18 to 27 years. It may be removed soon
- Mongolia: 12-24 months for men between the ages of 18 and 27, entitled to reserve until the age of 45
- Morocco: 12 months for men and women from 19 years of age
- Mozambique: 24 months is selectively mandatory for men and women aged 18 to 35 years
- Myanmar (Burma): A law reinstating compulsory conscription was passed in 2010 but has not entered into force
- Niger: 24 months is selectively mandatory for unmarried men and women aged 18 years
- north korea: 10 years for men and 5 years for women at the age of 17 years
- Norway: 19 months for men and women aged 19 to 35 years. But more than 80% are exempt from service.
- Paraguay: 12-24 months for 18 year old men
- Portugal: Conscription is permitted, but not currently used
- catarrh: 4-12 months for men aged 18-35 years
- Russia: 12 months for men ages 18-27, reserve until age 50. Recruitment may end in the near future.
- San Marino: There is no regulated compulsory conscription, but the army can call up civilians between the ages of 16 and 60 to serve if the need arises.
- Sao Tome and Principe: Conscription is permitted for citizens at the age of 18, but is not enforced
- Senegal: Mandatory selective service for 24 months for men and possibly women aged 20
- Singapore: 24 months for men ages 18-21, reserve until age 40 (enlisted men) or 50 years old (officers)
- Slovakia: Compulsory conscription in peacetime was suspended in 2004, but can be reinstated in the event of war
- Somalia: Conscription is permitted for men ages 18 to 40 and women ages 18 to 30, but is not currently used
- South Korea: 21-24 months for men aged 18-28 (planned to reduce to 18-22 months sometime in 2022)
- South Sudan: 12 to 24 months at 18 years of age
- Spain: Compulsory conscription was abolished in 2001, but the government can recall citizens between the ages of 19 and 25 in the event of a national emergency.
- Sudan: 12-24 months for men and women aged 18-33 years
- Sweden: 7.5 – 15 months for men and women age 18, eligible for reserve until age 47. However, only a small portion of those who sign up for the service are chosen
- Switzerland: 245 days (18 weeks of training + six 19-day recalls) for men ages 18-30
- Syria: 18 months for men aged 18 to 42 years
- Taiwan: 4 months for men ages 18-36 plus up to four 20-day training recalls
- Tajikistan: 24 months for men ages 18-27, refundable
- Tanzania: Military conscription is not permitted, but selective conscription is for 24 months of public service.
- Thailand: 24 months for males selected by lottery at age 21
- Eastern Timur: Compulsory conscription is permitted for men and women between the ages of 18 and 30 for 18 months of service, but the current level of implementation is unclear
- Tunisia: 12 months for ages 20-35
- turkey: 6 to 12 months for men aged 20 years, and can be replaced after one month of training
- Turkmenistan: 24-30 months for men aged 18-30 years
- Ukraine: 12-24 months for ages 20-27 years
- The United Arab Emirates: 16-24 months for men aged 18-30 years
- United State: The United States Army has been all-volunteer since 1973. However, an act of Congress could reinstate conscription in a national emergency.
- Uruguay: Compulsory conscription is currently inactive, but the government is authorized to activate it in the event of a national emergency
- Uzbekistan: 12 months for men aged 18-27, refundable
- Venezuela: Compulsory conscription is prohibited, but citizens between the ages of 18 and 50 must register for training and possible military service for 12 months.
- Vietnam: 24-36 months for men aged 18-27 years
The list has been registered according to
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