According to our information, the frigate “Hydra” with 198 officers from the Royal Navy on board, before leaving for the Red Sea, It was also equipped as an emergency with a 12.7 mm Remotely Operated Machine Gun (RWS) turret. Installed above the bridge, the fore quarter is covered by a fairly large archery bow.
RWS is derived from an older source of PN He was initially assigned to the special operations ship Agenor.of Greek design and construction, which is used by the branch.
Agenor: Very interesting Greek proposal for a special operations ship
Of course the RWS is not integrated into the ship's combat management system, but is a standalone addition, with a separate control unit. But in the tests conducted by “Hydra”, its accuracy was proven. And also how important these weapons are to our great warships, who are lacking now. Although the range of the machine gun is limited, its presence provides more options in dealing with asymmetric threats, both from the sea and from the air. This is something that can already be seen in the Red Sea, where Houthi drones are being shot down by ships' main guns, as well as RAM and Phalanx missiles, i.e. at a relatively short distance.
We remind you that the Coast Guard has put turret machine guns into service, while the Kimon-class frigates will also have them.
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