Anna Florinotis And Jojo Garifalo Hosted at noon on Monday 12/6 at T Live And they talked to Tatiana Stephanidou to their loved ones, Yannis Florinotis Who was buried last Friday 9/6.
They were particularly touched, as they remembered stories from the artist who had an important career in the artistic field. “The truth is, I had neither the intention nor the stamina to go out anywhere, but this time I said I would do what my father would do. Everything, I will dress, decorate myself and do as he pleases,” said Anna Florinotti with tears in her eyes.
Subsequently, Yannis Floriniotis’ daughter added: “I know he sees me. Next to me. Yesterday I already felt him, I felt something white pushing me and I turned around and said ‘Who is it?'”. We would sit and turn around as if someone had pushed us.
We wondered if he was a waiter, but in the end he wasn’t. We froze. It was like something white made us like this…at the same time. My friend saw it too. And I’m crazy and I see visions, my friend? “
See related quote from alpha:
Watch the full interview of Anna Floriniotis and Gogos Garifallos at T-He lives:
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