The Moon in Scorpio opposite Jupiter and Uranus today brings deeper feelings and personal needs to the surface. It is important that you are in touch with how you feel and that your actions are taken after you have objectively considered all the facts. Zodiac signs and ascendants in detail. . .
For pregnancyIt is not the best day to do a lot of work, especially if it is related to financial matters or if you feel tired. Work from a safe place and give enough space to what is moving in front of you or inside you. Use the day off to rest.
For TaurusThe actions of the planets today may highlight issues related to relationships and/or partnerships. It would be a good idea to work sparingly and think carefully about how you really want to move.
For GeminiThe push that Mars in Capricorn gives you at the present time with the rest of the planet’s events is great, but it is not a suitable day for many actions. Stay on a path you know well and is safe.
For cancerThe feeling that some things do not change may disappoint you today. Don't get discouraged but don't push situations today either. There is a strong inconsistency at this time, so objectively you may not be able to achieve the results you expect.
For LeoYour personal problems or situations at home and work may preoccupy you today. Avoid anything you don't know well or feel you won't be able to figure out.
For those born under VirgoToday, she works independently, no matter how difficult it is. There are different situations that can frustrate or discourage you, so be safe wherever possible.
For LibraToday, a strong feeling of insecurity may arise either due to external events or mobilizing your own barriers. Whatever the motivation, don't get discouraged. Work calmly and steadily and leave important work for tomorrow or another time.
For ScorpioPlanetary events are affecting you greatly since yesterday afternoon, so play it safe by taking only consistent steps. Distractions may be many but you know how to avoid them. Your intuition helps you take your steps.
For SagittariusToday is a difficult day for business and communications, so move safely. Deal only with the present and leave the important actions for another time. Try to find a good rest time.
For CapricornMars is passing through your sign, which fills you with courage and fear at the same time. Today it would be good to move safely and avoid many connections and deep conversations with others.
For AquariusToday is a difficult day for actions that concern (also) other people. Move as independently as possible and give space to what you don't know well or feel ambivalent about.
For whaleToday, spend some time on things and situations that calm you and take you on a journey. It's important to be calm even if you need to withdraw into your own world for a while.
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