The Moon in Aries, near Chiron, combined with Venus opposite Uranus today and tomorrow, heightens your need to do things your own way and prioritize what satisfies you on a personal level. Zodiac signs and ascendants in detail. . .
For pregnancyThe Moon in your sign may boost your energy by charging you with stamina but the rest of the planetary potential asks you to proceed with caution. Impulsiveness can take you away from your goal in some way.
For TaurusToday’s planetary events ask you to proceed carefully and consider your every move. It’s best to go with something you know well or something you won’t have to risk, always focusing on your deepest desires.
For GeminiDifferent ideas are coming to your mind now and the need to share them with your loved ones or people with whom you share a common vision will be strong. However, it would be a good idea to filter what you are going to say and who you are going to address.
For cancer, a work issue may take up some time from your schedule or consume a significant amount of your energy. Give space to what is being packaged and do not jump to conclusions.
For LeoToday, no matter how well organized your schedule is, you will feel like there is something you need to do. Do your best and give your energy to what is in front of you without wasting yourself.
YAnd virginsToday it is good to continue your movements calmly, organized and calculating the unbalanced factor. This way you won’t find yourself with any surprises and nothing will be able to derail your agenda.
For LibraToday, avoid anything that could cost you, especially in areas related to other people, friends or partners. The good intentions are there but today’s dynamics can bring challenges and even disappointments.
For ScorpioThe program you have set for today or how it will develop may weigh on you or you may feel that it is not progressing as you would like. It makes sense based on planetary events, so if necessary, take a step back, reorganize and regroup, as the case may be, depending on the data.
For SagittariusPlanetary dynamics push you to deal with matters that will give you happiness when settled or completed. There will be no shortage of obstacles, so act wisely and take steady steps.
For CapricornAs the day goes on, you may feel tired, both physically and mentally. Avoid conversations about personal matters, home, or family and give space to what can comfort you mentally.
For AquariusPersonal and social issues drive planetary events today. Try to avoid too many discussions or anything related to financial matters, today and tomorrow.
For whaleIt is best to avoid financial problems in any way possible. Values and issues related to your financial or emotional security may come to the surface today for consideration.
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