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Zodiac signs – Litsa Patera: evil Neptune and predictions for 2023 (video)
Detailed predictions from Litsa Patera, in the program “To Proinono”, with references to specific dates for 2023, which you should pay attention to.
“Neptune at its worst is the dirtiest and most deceitful, but there is an invisible force, an energy that comes to the fore”, Litsa Patera said at the beginning of the unit “breakfast”, Referring to a lot of favour The Colonos case with the serial rape of the 12-year-old girl and what is constantly being revealed.
The Astrologer accomplishment Mars was hitting Neptune so much that I was telling you there would be scandals and they would come to the fore.while continuing Mention specific dates during the year 2023, During this we must be especially careful (see in detail in the video with astrological predictions).
And as far as instant predictions are concerned, the astrologer said that “Better days are coming from today – tomorrow”, with Mercury – Neptune – Mars trine, which has already been mentioned since Wednesday.
The Litsa Patera he said how “There is a beautiful moon in Gemini and they will slowly fix things.”
At the same time, he sent a message to everyone saying “Try to take advantage of this triangle, it lasts for several days, if you are going to do a movement, do it.”
Right after that, the show’s astrologer mentioned that Her detailed predictions for each zodiac sign.
Watch the astrological predictions from Litsa Patera in the show “breakfast”:
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. “Certified social media geek. Passionate webaholic. Unapologetic music specialist. Food ninja.”
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