Zodiac signs – Litsa Patera: weekly forecast and Mars in Scorpio (video)
Detailed forecasts of what each zodiac sign should expect in the week starting, from astrologer Litsa Patera, on I Love Sue Ko.
Betty Magiera welcomed her ANT1’s new show, “I Love Soo Ko”, On set, on Sunday afternoon, he met Litsa Patera, who every Sunday will inform viewers with astrological forecasts for the week that begins.
At the beginning of the horoscope predictions section, Litsa Patera said, “Communications are preferred at the beginning of the week, but at the end of the week things change because Mars, the god of war, is in Scorpio and does cunning and underground things.” He also added, at the moment it is at the 16th degree and we are not worried, but when it goes directly opposite Uranus something will happen all over the world.
immediately after, Litsa Patera, with Betty Magiera next to her, mentioned in Its detailed predictions for each zodiac sign.
Watch astrological predictions from Litsa Patera on the show “I love Su Ko”:
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